This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 89)
Dear Mr Trimbee
Please find attached Leicester City Council’s response to your recent
Freedom of Information request.
Dear Mr Trimbee
With regard to your request for information, please see the attached response letter
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Tr...
Dear Mr Trimbee,
Please see response to your request.
Kind regards Justin
Justin Hird Legal Assistant |Commissioning, Communities and...
Dear Requester
Our Ref: FOI0520008
Please find attached our response to your recent request for information.
Your feedback is imp...
Dear Requester
Please find attached the response to your request for information
submitted to Nottingham City Council.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 .
Please see below.
If you are unhappy in any...
Dear Alex,
The Council confirms it holds information that falls within the
description of your request which is attached.
For your informa...
Dear Alex Trimbee
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: SG9508
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Dear Alex Trimbee
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: SG9507
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Dear Mr Trimbee,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request.
Please find the answers to your questions below.
1 - How many Allied He...
Dear Alex Trimbee
Thank you for your email requesting information through the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please find the Trust’s formal respons...
Good Afternoon
Please see the attached response for your recent FOI request.
I hope that this information is useful and helps fulfil your...
Dear Alex
Thank you for your information request dated 14/05/20. I can confirm that
we do the requested information. The request has been consid...
Dear Requestor
Thank you for your recent request for Organisational Charts, where
possible we will contact the individual team or department to...
From 1^st July 2018, Ipswich and Colchester Hospitals merged to become
East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust. Therefore, unless
Dear Alex,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry, our reference FOI/2020/1247.
The Trust’s response is as follows:
Please can I have an up...
Good morning / afternoon
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Please find our response beneath.
The Trus...
Dear Alex
Please find attached the Divisional Structure chart for the clinical support services requested. We do not have a chart that includes Care C...
Ref: FOI/2020/036
Dear Alex
Thank you for your recent enquiry under the Freedom of Information Act.
Please find your response detailed bel...
Dear Alex Trimbee,
I am writing in response to your request for information, made under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please find a...
Dear Alex
Please find the attached response to your recent freedom of information
Best Wishes
Sue Smith
Sue Smith
Dear Mr Trimbee
Request under the Freedom of Information Act
I am writing to acknowledge your request for information which was
received on 16 Jan...
Dear Sir / Madam,
Your request for information, with reference number CRN1910788032 has...
Hi Alex,
The main adult social care provider in North East Lincolnshire is FOCUS,
you will need to redirect your FOI through North East Lincolns...
Dear Alex Trimbee
Thank you for your recent email requesting information through the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please find the Trust's formal...
This person's annotations
None made.