This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 213)
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request, 123-23.
The FOI Team has been undertaking an audit of its r...
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska
You submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request on 15/03/2023.
This request reads:
I am writing to request informatio...
St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska
Request FOI 2426
I write following your request to the Trust...
Dear Aleksandra
Thank you for your enquiry requesting information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
Please find our response to y...
Reference: FOI 44429 BSW 92G
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska
Thank you for your request for information which we received on 11 July
2023 reg...
Our Ref: FOI 43129 HIOW D9Y0V
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska,
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Final Response
Thank you for your email which was recei...
Our Ref: FOI 43034 HIOW D9Y0V
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska,
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Final Response
Thank you for your email which was recei...
Good morning,
Thank you for your follow up query, that we received on 17^th April, where
you asked:
‘I have requested your latest meeting...
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please see attached PDF files .
Many Thanks
FOI team
GB asked if there are common negative themes and what we can do about them...
Hi Aleksandra Ilieska
I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request received on 17^th
April 2...
Reference: FOI 43136 FRIM D4U1Y
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska,
Thank you for your request for information which we received on 13 March
2023 r...
Dear Information Rights,
Thank you so much.
Yours sincerely,
Aleksandra Ilieska
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska
Please find attached files in response to your recent request on behalf of Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska,
Thank you for your information request sent to NHS North West London
Integrated Care Board.
You have requested in...
Dear Ms Ilieska
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
FOI request ref 19022 - Clinical Care & Governance Committee Meeting
Good morning,
Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 1^st
March 2023, regarding documents and information relating to...
Dear Aleksandra Ilieska
Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.
Kind regards
Philip Humphreys
On behalf of Northam...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 2^nd
March 2023 regarding documents and information relating to...
Dear Requester,
Please find attached our FOI response :ref: 1795
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact.
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached our response in respect of your request under the Freedom of Information Act.
Kind regards
Freedom of Informatio...
Dear Alexsandra Llieska
Thank you for your request for information dated 14 March 2023. Your
request has been managed under the terms of the Fre...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find attached our response to your reques...
Dear Ms Ilieska
I attach the response to your recent request for information. If you have
any further queries regarding the response please do...
Dear Ms Ilieska
Please find attached the response to your request, reference
Kind regards
IG & FOI Team
NHS South W...
Dear Ms Ilieska
Further to our email sent yesterday regarding FOI4082, please find
attached the Medicines Management Committee minutes.
This person's annotations
None made.