This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 50)
Dear Ms Alea
I am sorry that you are dissatisfied with your internal review. If you feel that it has not been responded to correctly, the next course...
Dear Madam
Further to the email below, the average wait times for installation at
dates 1st May 2019 and 1st May 2023 are 51 days for both dates...
This request is relevant to hundreds of patients with severe mental health conditions denied access to emergency care because of such coercive protocol...
Dear Alea,
In the first instance, please accept my sincere apologies for the lengthy
delay in responding and thank you for your patience in the...
Dear FOI,
Oh look - yet another London Liaison consultant Psychiatrist publishes re abusive coercive protocols in Mental Health LB Camden safeguardin...
Before this is referred to the ICO and/or public awareness is raised through other routes you are being given one more chance...
Freedom of Information Request (Our Ref: FOI-2106-1480806)
Dear Alea Alea,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request dated 8 June 202...
Dear Alea,
Please find attached the MoJ’s internal review of your recent FOI request
[1]Ministry of Disclosure Team...
London Borough of Camden
Information and Records Management
Judd Street
e-mail: [Camden Borough Council request email]
Dear Req...
Think if general public saw how vulnerable pts treated hidden away behind locked doors in A&Es they would be horrified.
That unchecked male security...
Dear Alea Alea,
Thank you for your email dated 16/07/2021.
You have asked why we have not provided you with a response to question 7 in your original...
Dear Alea,
Please find attached the internal review response for your request (FOI.20.NCL012) and we apologise for the delay in providing you with th...
Dear Alea Alea,
Please see attached a response to your FOIA request asking:
The Coroner's and Justice Act 2009 and Coroner's (Investigation...
You have failed to respond to the FOI nor explained why you are late in doing so.
You were advised that blocking this request would result in referra...
Please find attached our response to your Information Access Request
Jayne Spence
Information and Records Office
[1]SCO logo fina...
Information Rights Unit
PO Box 313
DA15 0HH
Email: [1][the Met request email]
Dear Mr / Ms Alea
Thank you for your additional questions in respect of the Freedom of
Information (FOI) request 4325. Do please accept our apolo...
Dear Ms Alea
Ref No: FOI/2020/0606
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
information supplied
Your request...
Dear Alea,
Please see attached, our response to your FOI request.
Kind regards,
Information Governance Team
E-mail: [1][email address]...
Dear Foi (NHS NEL CSU),
Thank you.
I understand that you have to rely on what the CCG are telling you.
However, they are being wholly untruthful...
Dear Ms Alea
Ref No: FOI/2020/0491
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
information supplied
Your request...
Dear Alea,
I have considered the comments you have made. You are not complaining
about any issues that can be dealt with as an Internal Review...
Dear Foi (NHS NEL CSU),
Why the NHS is so obstructive is beyond most people. You are also bound by the Duty of Candour and other statutes.
If you we...
Dear Laws, Sarah,
Your actions aimed at a vulnerable requester and using such aggressive language was wholly discriminatory and caused actual measur...
Dear A Alea,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request.
Please see the attached response to your Freedom of Information request.
This person's 9 annotations
This request is relevant to hundreds of patients with severe mental health conditions denied access to emergency care because of such coercive protocol...
Think if general public saw how vulnerable pts treated hidden away behind locked doors in A&Es they would be horrified.
That unchecked male security...
Channel 4 news covered the case of a vulnerable older man detained unlawfully in a different A& E couple weeks back in a different Trust who h...
To the reasearchers:
Very significant concerns have been repeatedly raised about the standard of care and communication across all 3 EDs - which also...
Should read NHS lockdown commenced March 23rd 2020.
The ICO served notice on the MH Trust to respond within 35 days. They failed to do so. They have been contacted by the ICO and given a further 7 days w...
The ICO served notice on the MH Trust to respond within 35 days. They failed to do so. They have been contacted by the ICO and given a further 7 days w...
This has now been referred to the ICO who have served a notice on the Trust to comply on this and another request ignored.
If I am not happy with th...
This has now been referred to the ICO who have served a notice on the Trust to comply on this and another request ignored.
If I am not happy with th...