This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 71)
I put in a search as the above is exactly my family's experience of children s social service, it ran through most of 2013 and is ongoing i stil...
Dear Ms Clearly
Ref NCC-010239-13
Thank you for your request for information. I am sorry that it has taken
a little while to come back to...
Our Ref:
Your Ref: 13/230/JC/CR
Direct Line: 01253 477700
Dear Advocacy Fund,
Thank you for your request dated 9^th April 2013, and please accept our
apology for the delay in responding to you.
Dear Requester,
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Andrew Goodfellow-Swaap
Senior Informat...
Secure Email Registration Request from Norfolk County Council
"Information Management" ([email address]) has sent you an encrypted message. To receive...
Dear Ms Clearly
I am writing in response to your request dated 11 April 2013. This has
been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 200...
Dear Ms Clearly,
Please see below our email to you asking clarification of your Freedom of
Information request.
Until we have this clarifi...
Dear Madam
I have considered your request for an internal review.
In the first paragraph of your request you state "taking full account of...
Dear Jane Clearly
Under the Freedom of Information Act individuals can request any recorded
information held by a public authority or any informat...
Please find attached the final response to your FOI below.
<<Closure Letter.doc>>
Julie Bishop
Policy Support Assistant
Business Support
Dear Ms Clearly
Your request for information has been considered and is below.
If you have a complaint about the handling of your request t...
Dear Ms Clearly
FOI Request ref: 2301 / Clearly / Persecution strategies in a child care
order investigation
Thank you for your request f...
You may be interested to see my requests to this council and what they reveal.
Dear Ms Clearly,
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
In order for us to monitor and improve our servi...
Dear Ms Clearly
I refer to your Freedom of Information request, log number 1308937.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to y...
Good Afternoon
In answer to your Freedom of Information request dated 9th April,
Childrens Services have responded as follows:
The Local Autho...
Dear Madam
Please find attached response to your FOI request
Claire Jacobs
Administrative Officer: Freedom...
Dear Jane Cleary
Reference number: FOI/CSF/04/13/5553
On 12th April 2013, Hertfordshire County Council received the following
request for...
Dear Ms Clearly
I refer to the above and your email dated 11 April 2013. I have contacted
the relevant services and now provide the following re...
Dear Ms Clearly,
Please find attached Worcestershire County Council's response to your
recent Freedom of Information Request.
Kind regards...
Dear Sirs
REFERENCE: FOI 2013-0230
Please find attached a letter in response to your request for informat...
Dear Ms Clearly
Please find attached Hampshire County Council's response to your FOI
Yours sincerely
Amanda Godridge
Dear Ms Clearly
Please find attached Doncaster Council’s response to your Freedom of
Information request dated 8 April 2013.
Kind Regards...
Dear Ms Clearly
We refer to your email dated 9 April 2013 which contained a request for
This person's 1 annotation
I too have suffered at the hands of Judge Rylance, in fact I got to the third adoption hearing which is generally unheard of and he went with the adopt...