This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 16)
Dear Adam,
Following on from your request, for the 21/22 academic year draft figures
Dear Mr Clayton
Further to your emailed FOI request (below), please find below response on
behalf of B&FC:
Can you provide a breakdown of...
Good morning Adam,
Please find attached the agency spend for 21/22, split by department and Job role as requested.
Please note the document figures e...
Dear Adam
Thank you for your FOI request which has been forwarded to me for a
You may be aware that certain provisions of West...
Dear Adam,
After considering your request with our Finance Team, our assessment is
the disclosure of the information would be likely to, prejudi...
Dear Adam
With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
I am writing back in relation to your requ...
Please find attached requested information.
I trust this fulfills your request but please let me know if you have any
queries related to the req...
Dear Adam
Please find attached a response to your request. I trust this provides
the information you require.
Kind regards
Louise Hazel
Dear Adam
Refusal notice issued under Freedom of Information Act Section 43(2)
Further to your Freedom of Information Request of 10 June 2022, we can...
Dear Adam
We spent £0 with recruitment agencies on Lecturers/Assessors/Learning
Support in the 2021/22 financial year.
Best wishes
Stephen Corline...
Can you provide a breakdown of money spent on Lecturers/Assessors/Learning Support via recruitment agencies for the 21/22 Academic year. Split by tempo...
I have now retired - please contact the Principal's New PA, Suzanne
Sunter, on [email address] or 01524 521289.
Kind regards
Can you provide a breakdown of money spent on Lecturers/Assessors/Learning Support via recruitment agencies for the 21/22 Academic year. Split by tempo...
Dear Mr Clayton
Sparsholt College Group's expenditure in 2021-22 with agencies for academic and learning support staff is as follows:
Academic staff:...
Your request answered below
From: Chris Courtine <[email address]>
Sent: 14 June 2022 14:12
To: FOIRequests <[email address]>
Cc: Ca...
This mailbox is no longer monitored. Please telephone The Sixth Form
Bolton on 01204 846215.
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confid...
This person's annotations
None made.