This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 26)
Dear Mr Lewington,
Please see response to your request.
Kind regards Justin
Justin Hird Legal Assistant |Commissioning, Communities and Polic...
Good afternoon Aaron,
Please find attached the results of my findings for your FOI request.
Thank you
Cathryn Copley
Customer Feedback, Inf...
Dear Mr Lewington
Please find attached the County Council’s response to your information
Yours sincerely
Amanda Godridge
Dear Mr Lewington
Please find attached our response in respect of your Freedom of
Information Request.
Kind regards,
Lydia Kitchen...
Thank you for your recent FOI
Q1. Please name all the IT resellers that you have contacts with and buy
XEROX (UK) LTD, CCS media, H...
Dear Sir/Madam.
We write in response to your Freedom of Information request.
Section 1(3) of the Freedom of Information Act does not ob...
FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2647297
Resources Department Law & Governance Division Information Team 7 th Floor - Zone C Bernard Weatheri...
Dear Aaron,
I am sending this email as the second response to your Freedom of
Information Act (2000) request reference IR 8339. Please use thi...
Dear Aaron Lewington,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 17^th September
The information you have requested is...
Dear Aaron
The attached is the response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Jonathan Francis
Information Risk & Data Governance Manag...
Information Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Dear Mr Lewington
Please find attached a letter formally enclosing the Council’s response to
your req...
Dear Mr Lewington,
I write in response to your request for informa...
Dear Mr. Lewington
I refer to your request for information, which was received on 11th
September, 2020 and has been dealt with under the Freedom...
Dear Aaron
Information Request – Freedom of Information Act
Further to your request for information received on 11th September please find below...
Dear Mr Lewington
Please find our responses below:
a) Photocopiers/MFDs (Multi-Functional Devise)
Q1. Please name all the IT reselle...
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Reference: 0795 FOI-CDC
Dear Mr Lewington,
Thank you for your request of 17 September 2020, in which you...
Information request
Our reference: 3935985
Dear Mr Lewington
Dear Aaron Lewington
Freedom of Information Act request holding response – Ref 1425435.
Thank you for your request. We have noted that your...
Dear Mr Lewington
Thank you for your request for information regarding Printers / MFDs and
This request has been ha...
Please find below FOI response.
Q1. Please name all the IT resellers that you have contacts with and buy
Insight UK, Ricoh, Dell, Redcen...
Dear Mr Lewington,
Please find attached the response to your above numbered Freedom of
Information Request.
Yours sincerely,
Steve H...
Good afternoon
Thank you for your freedom of information request.
Please see below for our response.
If you are unhappy with the way your enq...
Dear Mr Lewington,
The information the council holds in relation to your request for
information is attached.
Please note: If you are diss...
Dear Aaron,
Further to your recent request made under the Freedom of Information Act
2000, we confirm we do hold the information requested. Plea...
Dear Mr Lewington
Thank you for your email.
Having reviewed your request, I regret to inform you that your request seems to have no public purpose....
This person's annotations
None made.