This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 38)
Dear A Ying
Reference: IR1-4317254831
Once again, my apologies for the delay in responding to your e-mail of 18
March 2024.
Please find attache...
Dear A Ying
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information Request.
Many thanks
Graham Ostle (he/him)
Customer Information &...
Our Ref: FOI11226
Dear A Ying
Freedom of Information: Right to know request
Thank you for your email of 18 March 2024, in which y...
Dear A. Ying,
Please see attached a response letter to your Freedom of Information
Request alongside the data requested, which you submitted 18 Marc...
Dear A Ying,
Please see attached.
Kind regards,
Benazir Chaudhry ( She/Her)
Information Governance Officer
Solicitors Regulation Authority / A...
Dear A Ying
Many apologies for the delay in responding to your appeal.
This has been allocated to me and I am currently considering our position....
Dear A. Ying
Iām writing to respond to your appeal request. I apologise for the delay
in doing so.
As a reminder, in your original request...
The Authority has elected to use a SharePoint site which enables the Author (and only the Author) to open and the result has not been shared in the pub...
Dear A. Ying,
A short time ago, I spoke to a case worker from the ICO (in regards to
Case Reference IC-88890-S8B1) who informed me that you may...
[1]University of Southampton
Dear A. Ying,
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Request for information: response
Date of request: 01-10-2020 10:27:...
Dear A. Ying,
Thank you for your request received 01 October 2020 timed 10:26 hours,
the University's response to which, issued 03 December 202...
Dear A Ying
Thank you for your email of 1 October 2020 requesting information about
the ethnicity of medical students. Please find our response...
Information Compliance Unit |Telephone: 028 9097 2507 | email:
[1][Queen's University Belfast request email]
Dear A Ying
Thank you for your request of 1 October. I apologise for the delay in
responding to your request.
You asked for:
1) The...
Dear A Ying
Thank you for your request for information and our apologies for the time
it has taken to respond to you.
In answer to Q1:
Row Labels...
Good afternoon,
Further to your request for information.
Can you confirm that you are not interested in data split by academic year, you're looking f...
Dear A Ying,
Thank you for your request received on 01 October 2020 under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000. Our response is now published on...
Dear A Ying,
I now have the breakdown of data for question 1. Please see below:
The total number of students on your Medical Student Register between...
Dear A. Ying,
Our reference: FOI/20201001/2
Please find attached the University's response to your request.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Ying
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find below the College's response to your questions.
1) The total numbe...
Dear A Ying
I am writing further to your request for information regarding Fitness to Practice referrals for medical students. A search of our electro...
Dear A Ying,
Our response to your FOI request is attached.
Best regards,
Kirsten Hylan | Records Manager
Governance Legal & Assurance Ser...
Dear A Ying,
Freedom of Information Request (our reference FOI20-465)
We refer to your Freedom of Information request dated 1^st October. Y...
Good morning,
I email in response to your FOI request:
Our Regulations on FtP don't go back as far as 2006/07, so we won't be
able to report that fa...
Dear A. Ying,
I write on behalf of the University of Leicester in response to your
request, dated 1 October 2020 made under the provisions of th...
This person's 10 annotations
Complaint made to ICO, reference IC-88890-S8B1. Awaiting assignment to case handler as of 5 March 2021. team has redacted the name of the financial investment firm following correspondence with former members of such firm.
The team wi... team has redacted the name of the financial investment firm following correspondence with former members of such firm.
The team wi... team has redacted the name of the financial investment firm following correspondence with former members of such firm.
The team wi... team has redacted the name of the financial investment firm following correspondence with former members of such firm.
The team wi... team has redacted the name of the financial investment firm following correspondence with former members of such firm.
The team w...
The response from the University of Cambridge has been hidden as a result of a requestor from a data subject.
The team strives to...
ICO has "written to the public authority reminding them of their responsibilities and asking them to respond to you within 10 working days" on 17th Jan...
The numbers included in these email signatures have been redacted as they are incorrectly used for queries in relation to individual applications for f...
As requested by HMCTS staff, please note that the number above is not for general enquiries. For general enquiries, the Queen's Bench Division of the H...