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Printed from on September 08, 2024 21:26
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 10)
Dear A Tattersall
"Thank you for your request for information, which was received on
06/09/2018 00:00 . You requested
Could you or one...
Dear Mr Tattersall
Request for Information - Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – REF
I write further to your e-...
Dear A Tattersall,
I attach our reply to your FOI request 0993-18.
Kind regards,
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office...
Dear A Tattersall
Access to Information
I refer to your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Your requ...
Dear Mr/Ms Tattersall
Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response
to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1147851 ) ...
Dear A Tattersall,
Please find attached our response in respect of your recent Freedom of
Information Request.
Kind regards,
Lydia K...
Dear Mr Tattersall,
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of information request,
reference FOI2018/20058.
If you have any...
Dear A Tattersall
Thank you for your request dated 6^th September 2018 in which you asked
for the following information from the Ministry of Jus...
Dear Mr Tattersall
Please find attached response to your FOI enquiry, our reference 50116
Kind regards
A Feheley
Home Office - Commerci...
Dear A Tattersall,
Unfortunately the department at present would not be able to process your request, as a request must be from a named individual, as...
This person's annotations
None made.