This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 16)
Dear A. Rawlings,
I write in response to your request for an internal review of the
University of Bristol's answer to your freedom of informatio...
Dear A. Rawlins,
Thank you for your recent request for information. My sincere apologies for the delay in responding. Please see the requested informa...
Dear A. Rawlins
Thank you for your request for a review of our decision, the reasons for
which you outline below. We operate under the Freedom of Inf...
Dear A. Rawlins,
Please find attached a response to your request for an internal review of
the above Freedom of Information request and accompan...
Dear A. Rawlins,
Further to your request for information below (Ref FOI 2944), please find attached the University's response.
Kind regards
Clay Gar...
Please find attached a response to your request for a review of the
University’s response to your Freedom of Information request.
This email acc...
Dear A Rawlins
Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding. We acknowledge
your request for an internal review.
If you have any que...
Dear A Rawlins
Freedom of Information Response (Our Ref: L/23/010)
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (‘FOI’) request, reference
FOI 2023/F18
Dear A. Rawlins,
Thank you for your email of 16^th January. Please accept our apologies for
the delay; January-March is one o...
Dear Rob, and the University of Sheffield Freedom of Information Team,
Many thanks for your response.
I note that in your response you have obscure...
Dear University of Plymouth Freedom of Information Team,
Many thanks for your response.
I note that in your response you have obscured figures of <...
Dear A. Rawlins
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Kindest regards
Information Compliance...
Dear A Rawlins
Please find attached the response of the internal review of our response
to your recent Freedom of Information request (our refer...
Dear A Rawlins,
Further to your mail below. Please accept our apologies. We indicated a
number of figures within the table that fell within th...
Good Morning A. Rawlins,
Thank you for your email.
Sorry for the confusion. A dash ("-") has been used to denote zero. In the case of the "Wales" t...
Dear A Rawlins,
I refer to your email of 6 January 2023 requesting information relating to Dentistry Cour...
This person's annotations
None made.