Zero Hour Contracts

The request was successful.

Dear Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with the following information;

1. How many employees were on zero hour contracts in the last five years if any? Also how many employees there were in total on any type of contract?

2. What rights do employees on these contracts have?
For example, are people on these contracts allowed to refuse
shifts? If you have a standard zero hour contract could you please supply that as well.

3. Can we see a summary of the distribution of age, gender and ethnicity within zero hour contracts?

4. Could I have a breakdown of the roles that a zero contract applies to?

Yours faithfully,

Mr Hedley

Freedom Info, Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive

Dear Mr Hedley,

Thank you for your e-mail which has been forwarded to me since I am responsible for responding to FOI requests on behalf of Nexus.

I shall obtain the required information and return to you in due course.


Colin Whittle
Head of Legal Services

Nexus, Nexus House, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4AX
Telephone 0191 2033239 / Fax 0191 2033180

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Freedom Info, Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive

Dear Mr Hedley,

I would be grateful if you could give me a ring in order that I can clarify an issue in relation to your request.


Colin Whittle
Head of Legal Services

Nexus, Nexus House, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4AX
Telephone 0191 2033239 / Fax 0191 2033180

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Freedom Info, Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive

Dear Mr Hedley,

I refer to your e-mail dated 9th September 2013 and my subsequent e-mails dated 12th and 19th September 2013.I respond to your original e-mail following your numbering;





Yours Faithfully

Colin Whittle
Head of Legal Services

Nexus, Nexus House, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4AX
Telephone 0191 2033239 / Fax 0191 2033180

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