Ysgol Bro Pedr, Lampeter. Additional Learning Needs and School Inclusion Policy, Reviewing, Monitoring and Governors Annual Reports

The request was partially successful.

Dear Ysgol Bro Pedr,

Please provide all reports and documents relating to the reviewing and maintaining of the school ALN & Inclusion policy and procedures for the last three academic years.

Please include copies of the ALN departmental improvement plan for the last three academic years.

Please also include reports on the progress of the ALN policy and provision and the school Governing Body's annual reports for the last three academic years.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. O'Reilly

Gweinyddu, Ysgol Bro Pedr

1 Attachment

Dear Mrs O’Reilly,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 22nd June 2018 requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

‘Please provide all reports and documents relating to the reviewing and maintaining of the school ALN & Inclusion policy and procedures for the last three academic years.
Please include copies of the ALN departmental improvement plan for the last three academic years.
Please also include reports on the progress of the ALN policy and provision and the school Governing Body's annual reports for the last three academic years.’

Please see attached copies of the documents requested. Some information has been redacted from the ALN departmental improvement plan in accordance with Section 40(2) of FOIA, as we believe it constitutes ‘Personal Information’.

As the Governors’ Annual Report for 2017/18 will be issued to Parent/Guardians in due course, this information is being withheld under Section 22 of FOIA – Information intended for future publication.

With regards to reports on the progress of the ALN policy and its provision, no such information exists as when the policy is reviewed any amendments are made directly to the document.

If you are not satisfied with the management of your FOI request, the School operates an Internal Review process. If you wish to request an internal review of this response, please write to:

Deputy Head (with responsibility for IR),
Ysgol Bro Pedr,
SA48 7BX

([Ysgol Bro Pedr request email])

Ysgol Bro Pedr.