Youth conditional cautions pilot scheme

The request was partially successful.

Dear Hampshire Constabulary,

Please could you tell me how many youth conditional cautions have been issued since the beginning of the pilot scheme in January 2010? Has the pilot scheme been extended?

Please could you also tell me how many ordinary cautions have been issued to youth in the same time frame.

Finally, please could you provide me with the number of cautions issued to youth in the twelve months preceding the start of the youth conditional caution pilot scheme.

Yours faithfully,

Emily Apple

Yours faithfully,

Emily Apple

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary

Dear Ms Apple
The following request for information under the Freedom of Information Act
was received by the Freedom of Information Section at Hampshire

*          Please could you tell me how many youth conditional cautions
have been issued since the beginning of the pilot scheme in
January         2010? Has the pilot scheme been extended?
*      Please could you also tell me how many ordinary cautions have
been issued to youth in the same time frame.
*          Finally, please could you provide me with the number of
cautions issued to youth in the twelve months preceding the start of
the youth   conditional caution pilot scheme.

Your request will be considered in accordance with the legislation and you
will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days,
subject to the provisions of the Act.  In the unlikely event that
Hampshire Constabulary is unable to meet the 20 working day deadline, you
will be informed as soon as possible and given a revised time-scale for
To be accepted, any clarification(s) to your request must be submitted in
writing directly to the FOI Team at Hampshire Constabulary. 
If your request requires either full or partial transference to another
public authority, you will be informed.  Should you have any further
enquiries concerning this matter, please write or contact Rebecca Warhurst
on telephone number 01962 814789 quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Warhurst
Freedom of Information Officer
Rebecca Warhurst
Freedom of Information Officer
Hampshire Constabulary
Direct Dial 01962 814789
Internal Extension 79-1765
* [Hampshire Police request email]

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary

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