Your HR function

The request was partially successful.

Dear Shetland College,

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002 on the structure, competencies and remuneration of your Human Resources function.

I shall be grateful if you would provide me with the following information in respect of your Human Resources (HR) function:

1. An organisational chart indicating all the posts within your institution which constitute your HR function. If HR-related activities (eg Learning & Development, Organisational Development, Health & Wellbeing, etc) are managed outwith your main HR function, please include information on these as well.

2. Details of the overall role and specific duties undertaken by each of the posts detailed in (1) above (eg job descriptions, role profiles, etc).

3. Details of the competencies required for each of the posts detailed in (1) above (eg person specifications, competency frameworks, etc).

4. The remuneration package for each post, including:
a. The gross salary range (or spot salary) applicable to each post;
b. Any bonus/merit/performance payments that the posts are potentially eligible for and the procedure for awarding these;
c. The annual leave entitlement, please detail if bank holidays, institutional closure periods, are in addition or included in the annual leave entitlement.
d. Details of any superannuation scheme.

5. Details of your total HR staff cost in £ (sterling) and as a proportion of your
a. Institutional income;
b. Institutional payroll, including salary on-costs.

6. Details of the total HR budget, including whether this includes staff development for HR staff.

7. Details of any institution-wide, centrally administered staff development budget, how institutional and individual priorities are set and the process for allocating and/or accessing these funds

To place this data in context I shall be grateful if you would also provide me with the headcount and full-time equivalent of your:

1. Academic staff
2. Support staff

I would like the above information to be provided to me in an electronic format.

I understand that under the act, I should be entitled to a response within 20 working days of your receipt of this email. I would be grateful if you could confirm by email that you have received this request.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Smith

Elaine Laurenson, Shetland College

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[Subject only] RE: Freedom of Information request - Your HR function

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