Yellow Lines at South Stack

The request was successful.

Dear Isle of Anglesey Council

Your Request =

On the 20th February 2018 an email was sent to the Council with the following statement:

"The RSPB have already started discussions with the Highways department about a scheme of yellow lines for the road in question, and I understand that they are currently drawing up a scheme for this aspect."

Would you please publish any correspondence between the RSPB (or their representatives) and the Council regarding the placement of Yellow Lines on the roads at South Stack Reserve. Would you also please publish any minutes of meetings where this issue was discussed and any details of schemes if the laying of yellow lines has been agreed upon.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Gillian Metcalf

Helen Madoc-Jones, Isle of Anglesey County Council

Thank you for your recent request for information from the Isle of Anglesey County Council.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, we aim to respond to your request within 20 working days. In some instances we may be unable to achieve this deadline, in which case we will advise you of the likely timescale within which the response will be provided.


Helen Madoc-Jones
Clerc Teipydd / Clerk Typist
Busnes y Cyngor / Council Business
Adran Gyfreithio / Legal Department

show quoted sections

Helen Jeffery, Isle of Anglesey County Council

2 Attachments

Dear Madam,


I refer to your Freedom of Information request dated the 13^th November,


Please find below the Authority’s response to your request:-


In discussion between the Highway Authority and the RSPB concerning the
implementation of pay and display charges in car parks they operate at
their South Stack Reserve, the management of traffic flow and parking
issues on the public highway leading to the site was discussed.  The
Authority was in receipt of past concerns regarding inconsiderate parking
on the public highway and issues of congestion.  However no proposals were
drawn up at the time for the introduction and placement of double yellow
lines on the public road therefore there are no minutes of meetings held
with the RSPB or plans/drawings regarding this mater.


The information supplied to you in response to your request is the
copyright of the Isle of Anglesey County Council.  The information has
been provided for your personal use and may not be copied, distributed,
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without the explicit written consent of the Isle of Anglesey County


If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of this response to your request
for information and/or the decision made to withhold information, you may
ask for an internal review.  Please address your correspondence to the
Customer Care Officer, Legal Services, Council Offices, Llangefni, Ynys
Môn, LL77 7TW (e-mail: [1][email address]).


If you are not content with the outcome of an internal review you have the
right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF.  Please note that the Information
Commissioner is likely to expect internal review procedures to have been
exhausted before beginning his investigation.


Yours faithfully,





Helen Jeffery

Swyddog Gofal Cwsmer / Customer Care Officer

Priffyrdd, Gwastraff ac Eiddo / Highways, Waste and Property

Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn / Isle of Anglesey County Council


Ynys Môn / Anglesey

LL77 7TW


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Dear Helen Jeffery,Thank you for taking the time to reply however can I ask for clarification on something please?
Your reply mentions minutes and plans but does not mention correspondence. Can you confirm that there was none regarding this issue please as per my original request. Obviously if there was correspondence, can you please publish it. Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Gillian Metcalf

Helen Jeffery, Isle of Anglesey County Council

Good afternoon,

Please find below reply to your additional queries:-

Three email correspondence received from the RSPB in connection with double yellow lines at South Stack, Holyhead. No return correspondence sent by the Authority.

From: [email address]
Sent: 02 February 2018 12:51
To: Gareth Jones; Alun Roberts
Cc: _____________
Subject: South Stack Meeting

Morning Gareth and Alun

Just a quick note to say thank you for meeting us earlier this week and for your very constructive suggestions concerning highway management, signage and the introduction of car park charging.

As discusses it would be really useful to look at your draft yellow line proposals with the team on site and we will look at proposals for signage to discuss with you.

Kind regards


From: [email address]
Sent: 27 February 2018 15:25
To: Alun Roberts
Cc: Gareth Jones
Subject: Yellow lines at South Stack

Afternoon Alun,

Further to our recent meeting I was wondering whether you had yet had a chance to look at the proposed position of yellow line parking restrictions at South Stack.

Gareth has confirmed we have consent under the lease to charge and the 3 applications are in for planning so it would be good to keep everything moving forwards together it at all possible.

Many thanks, _____

From: [email address]
Sent: 28 March 2018 11:25
To: Alun Roberts
Cc: Gareth Jones;

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