Works at 28 Grasmere Road, Purley (18/01575/FUL) - Demolition

The request was partially successful.

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please provide copies of all information held by the Council which relates any of the following for this development site:

+++ any Section 80 notice given or sent to the Council under the Building Act 1984 ("the Act"),
+++ any counter notice from the Council, including any Section 81 and/or Section 82 notice given or sent under the Act, and
+++ any submission (or non-submission) of a 'Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Form 6: Commencement Notice'.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew White

Croydon Council,

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2066545

show quoted sections

Croydon Council,

3 Attachments

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2066545

show quoted sections

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Croydon Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Works at 28 Grasmere Road, Purley (18/01575/FUL) - Demolition'.

You have not provided a copy of the notices required under the Building Act 1984.

+++ Please provide copies of the section 80 (demolition) notice, or any section 81/82 notice, with ONLY the personal information of the EMPLOYEES of the Owner or Demolition Contractors redacted (DIRECT work email address and/or telephone number and signature)

+++ In the alternative, please confirm that there are no copies held.
The copy of a CIL disclosed appears to be incomplete and has been much-redacted. I note the outcome of an internal review the Council's response to a similar request about a different development in which the corporate solicitor (Mrs Thoday) apologises for the 'excessive redaction'.

+++ Please provide a copy of this CIL Commencement Notice (dated 31/12/19), with ONLY the personal information of the 'person sending the Notice' redacted (DIRECT work email address and/or telephone number and signature)

+++ Please provide a copy of any other (more fully completed) CIL Commencement Notice for this development, with ONLY the personal information of the 'person sending the Notice' redacted, as above.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Andrew White

Dear Croydon Council,

We are now well past the time by which I should have received the
outcome of a review. If I do not receive this by 17 July 2020, I will
complain to the Information Commissioner about this matter.
Yours sincerely,

Andrew White

Passman, Howard,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr. White,


Further to your email dated 10 May 2020, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your request for information,
I have now concluded this review and I am able to reply as follows. Please
accept my apologies for the delay in responding and any inconvenience this
may have caused you.


In your request for Internal Review, you asked the Council to reconsider
your request as had not been provided with the information requested.


In your request for information dated 1 May 2020, you requested the
following information:


“Please provide copies of all information held by the Council which
relates any of the following for this development site:

+++ any Section 80 notice given or sent to the Council under the Building
Act 1984 ("the Act"),

+++ any counter notice from the Council, including any Section 81 and/or
Section 82 notice given or sent under the Act, and

+++ any submission (or non-submission) of a 'Community Infrastructure Levy
(CIL) - Form 6: Commencement Notice'.”


The Council responded to you on the 7 May 2020 and provided you with a
redacted copy of the CIL form 6 in accordance with Regulation 12(3) of the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


In your request for an Internal Review dated 10 May 2020, you stated the


“You have not provided a copy of the notices required under the Building
Act 1984.


+++ Please provide copies of the section 80 (demolition) notice, or any
section 81/82 notice, with ONLY the personal information of the EMPLOYEES
of the Owner or Demolition Contractors redacted (DIRECT work email address
and/or telephone number and signature)


+++ In the alternative, please confirm that there are no copies held.

The copy of a CIL disclosed appears to be incomplete and has been
much-redacted. I note the outcome of an internal review the Council's
response to a similar request about a different development in which the
corporate solicitor (Mrs Thoday) apologises for the 'excessive redaction'.


+++ Please provide a copy of this CIL Commencement Notice (dated
31/12/19), with ONLY the personal information of the 'person sending the
Notice' redacted (DIRECT work email address and/or telephone number and


+++ Please provide a copy of any other (more fully completed) CIL
Commencement Notice for this development, with ONLY the personal
information of the 'person sending the Notice' redacted, as above.”


On receiving your request for an Internal Review, I contacted the Place
Department who have provided additional information in answer to the
issues raised in your Internal Review.


I have been informed that the Council does not hold copies of Building Act
Notices that you have requested.


Having considered the redactions made to the CIL documents provided to
you, the information redacted is considered to be personal data of the
applicant. Therefore this is considered to excepted from disclosure under
Regulations 12(3) and 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004
as previously stated in the Council’s original reply to you.


If you are not content with the outcome of the Internal Review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire SK9 5AF


Yours sincerely,


Howard Passman

020 8726 6000 ext. 62318


Information Management and Governance Co-ordinator



Resources Department

Legal Services

7th Floor Zone C
Bernard Weatherill House

8 Mint Walk

Croydon CR0 1EA


To allow us to deal with the disruption caused by Coronavirus /COVID-19
please communicate with us only by email and not by post. Our lawyers and
support colleagues may be working from different locations. Legal Services
will communicate electronically only. We do not have a fax in our service.
We will accept service of court proceedings for the Council by email on
any business day between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm. Any email received
after 4.30pm will be deemed to be served on us the next business day. The
email address for service is [2][email address]


Council services, online, 24/7

Please use this web site address to view the council's e-mail disclaimer -


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]