Workload Allocation Models

The request was partially successful.

Dear University of Manchester,

I'd like to make a Freedom of Information request regarding the workload allocation models and tariffs that your institution uses to allocate workload to your academic staff.

Ideally I'd like a copy of all the WAMs and tariffs (i.e. how much time is allocated per activity) used and the school/section they belong to. If incomplete/unavailable, please give me as much information as possible on the tariffs that are available (and the schools they belong to) and on which schools or units don't use tariffs to allocate workload.

Yours faithfully,

Nikki Andrews

MTRS FOIA, University of Manchester

Dear Nikki,

I am writing to acknowledge your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 received by The University of Manchester yesterday, our reference as per the subject line.

Before we can respond to your request, please could you clarify which year/s you require this information for. Is it just the current academic year 2019/20?

Once we receive clarification we will have 20 working days to respond to your request. In the event that no clarification is received, your request will be closed after 60 days.

Kind regards


Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office | Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Services | G7 Christie Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13 9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549|

We are all responsible for protecting personal data held by the University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before you send your email.  For further guidance see:

show quoted sections

Dear Sharon,

Yes please, for this academic year (2019/20).

Yours sincerely,

Nikki Andrews

MTRS FOIA, University of Manchester

5 Attachments

Dear Nikki,


Thank you for your email requesting the following:


I'd like to make a Freedom of Information request regarding the workload
allocation models and tariffs that your institution uses to allocate
workload to your academic staff.


Ideally I'd like a copy of all the WAMs and tariffs (i.e. how much time is
allocated per activity) used and the school/section they belong to. If
incomplete/unavailable, please give me as much information as possible on
the tariffs that are available (and the schools they belong to) and on
which schools or units don't use tariffs to allocate workload.


We have now considered your request and can respond as follows:


The Faculties of Engineering and The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and
Health confirm that they do not use WAMS and therefore the University
confirms that no data is held.


For the Faculty of Humanities we can provide the attached documents that
describe how work is allocated within the Schools that form part of the
Faculty. The other related WAM documents for this Faculty are being
withheld under Section 40 of the Act – the exemption which relates to
personal data. The withheld documents apply the principles found within
the attached documents and contain the detailed personal data of work
allocation of individual staff members within each School.


Section 40 (2) of the FOIA provides an exemption where the application for
personal data is made by someone other than the data subject.  To apply
the exemption appropriately, the conditions set out in Section 40 (3) of
the FOIA should be satisfied. Section 40 (3) of FOIA states that where
disclosure of the information would contravene any one of the data
protection principles then this data is exempt.


The University of Manchester does not believe that the release of the data
requested will be fair or lawful under the terms of the FOIA as the data
subject has no expectation that their personal data is likely to be
released for this purpose. As such, disclosure of the information
requested by you under Section 1(1) of the FOIA would be in breach of the
first data protection principle and hence section 40 (2) of the FOIA
applies. This email serves to act as a refusal notice, as per Section 17
(1) of the FOIA.


If you feel that The University of Manchester has refused access to
information to which you are entitled, or has not dealt with your request
appropriately under the FOIA, you have a right of appeal.


An appeal in the first instance should be directed to the Information
Governance Office at [1][email address]. You should include: 


·         details of your initial request

·         any other relevant information


You must make this appeal within 40 working days from receipt of your
response. We will not accept appeals received after this date, as per the
Freedom of Information Code of Practice, Section 5.3.


The University will deal with your appeal within a reasonable time, and
will inform you of the projected time scale on receipt of your complaint.
You are also welcome to contact the Information Governance Office with
informal questions about the handling of your request. 


After The University’s internal appeals procedure has been exhausted, you
have a further right of appeal to the Information Commissioner’s
Office. Details of this procedure can be found at [2]


With best regards




Dr Lisa Crawley l  Information Officer  l Information Governance Office
l Directorate of Compliance and Risk l  Professional Support Services |
Room G7 Christie Building  l Compliance & Risk Management Office l  The
University of Manchester  l  Oxford Road  l  Manchester  l  M13 9PL  l 
Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400  



We are all responsible for protecting person identifying data held by the
University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before
you send your email.  For further guidance see:



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1. mailto:[email address]