Our ref: FOI/2223/284
Freedom of Information Team
Legal & Governance
Name: James Cannon
University of Liverpool
By email to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
Foundation Building
765 Brownlow Hil
L69 7ZX
6 March 2023
E xxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Dear James,
Your request for information received on 13 February 2023 has now been considered. A response is
provided below.
Can I please request the following information relating to your veterinary medicine/science courses?
For the entry years 2020 to 2023 what was the minimum number of weeks work experience you required in:
veterinary practice
Other environments, in which case please specify what types of environments.
For entry in 2023
Applicants are expected to have gained a minimum of three weeks (15 days) of hands-on animal-related
work experience and we strongly recommend that at least one week of this work experience is in
veterinary practice. If applicants are unable to secure a placement in veterinary practice then they must
complete the Virtual Work Experience and Exploring the Veterinary Profession MOOC, in addition to the
15 days of animal-related work experience. The three weeks of work experience must be obtained within
the five-year period directly preceding the application deadline.
For entry in 2022
Applicants were expected to have gained a minimum of 15 days of any type of animal or veterinary-
related work experience or 10 days of any type of animal or veterinary-related work experience plus
the Introduction to Studying Veterinary Medicine - Course - FutureLearn.
For entry in 2021
Applicants were expected to have gained a minimum of 5 days of any type of animal or veterinary-related
work experience.
For entry in 2020
Applicants were expected to have gained a minimum of five weeks of work experience, between January
2016 and the UCAS application deadline of October 2019. These five weeks should have consisted of three
weeks animal husbandry and two weeks clinical/veterinary practice.
If you do not require a specific amount of work experience, what was the highest and lowest amount of
experience gained by students who received an offer?
Not applicable
How is a students work experience used in the application process:
Before interview. Applicants must meet the minimum criteria of prior work experience to be
considered for interview.
During the offer process.
Not used
At any other stage. Not used
Do you intend to change your requirements for 2024 entry?
No. See https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/veterinary-science/study/how-to-apply/
Do you offer any opportunities for students who are having difficulties in obtaining work experience to gain
some with your institution?
Yes. We offer work experience within the School of Veterinary Science. This is available to applicants from
widening participation back grounds who attend our outreach activities.
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request for information, you have a right under
Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act to ask the University to review it; however, you must do so
within 40 working days of the date of this response. Your request should include our reference number and
explain the reason for requesting a review. Email xxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx or write to the Freedom of Information
Reviewer, Legal & Governance, University of Liverpool, Foundation Building, 765 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool
L69 7ZX. We will respond to your request for an internal review within 20 working days of receipt.
Following an internal review, if you are still dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have a right to
appeal to the Information Commissioner at The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303 123 1113 www.ico.org.uk. There is no charge for
making an appeal.
Yours sincerely
Kirsty Rothwell
Kirsty Rothwell
Freedom of Information Officer / Data Protection Co-ordinator
Legal & Governance