Wording and Approval of TV Licensing Letters

The request was successful.

Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

I am making this request for information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

I am aware that TV Licensing, acting on behalf of the BBC as Licensing Authority, sends regular information/warning letters to unlicensed properties in an effort to "educate" the occupier about TV licensing requirements.

Please send me any BBC/TV Licensing produced documents relating to the structure, format, wording and approval process for these letters.

Who precisely has the final say on whether or not a letter is acceptable to distribute to unlicensed properties?

I look forward to a timely and concise response, in accordance with the spirit of the Act.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Jones

Peter Jones left an annotation ()

To learn more about TV Licensing's intimidatory correspondence, see our post here: http://tv-licensing.blogspot.com/2011/05...

Regular followers of our FOIA requests can also stay posted by following us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tvlicensingblog

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was
received on 24th December. We will deal with your request as promptly
as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any
queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.

The reference number for your request is RFI20111589.

Kind regards,

The Information Policy & Compliance Team
BBC Freedom of Information
Room 2252, BBC White City
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TS

Email: [BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2882
Fax: 020 8008 2398

show quoted sections

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

6 Attachments

Dear Mr Jones

Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20111589

<<RFI20111589 - final response.pdf>>

<<RFI20111589 - document 1 - TVL Messaging Guidelines(R).pdf>>
<<RFI20111589 - document 2 - TVL Brand_Guidelines(R).pdf>> <<RFI20111589 -
document 3 - BBC TVL letters approvals process.pdf>> <<RFI20111589 -
document 4 - TVL Approvals Process Workflows 1.pdf>> <<RFI20111589 -
document 5 - TVL Approvals Process Workflows Part 2.pdf>>

Yours sincerely
Rachel Hallett

BBC Information Policy and Compliance
Room 2252, White City
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TS, UK

Website: [1]www.bbc.co.uk/foi
Email: [2]mailto:[BBC request email]
Tel: 020 8008 2883
Fax: 020 8008 2398

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