Wooden sleepers and S&C Bearers
Dear Strathclyde Partnership for Transport,
How many wooden sleepers and S&C bearers do you have on your network? How many are replaced annually via standard maintenance; are these replaced with wood or concrete?
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sir/Madam,
I attach a letter in connection with your request for information on the
above matter.
Yours faithfully
Karen Millar
Karen Millar
Paralegal, Legal and Property
SPT, 131 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5JF
t 0141 333 3787
[1]SPT Twitter
[2]SPT - Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
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Dear Freedom of Information Act,
In response to your letter dated the 23rd November 2017, my full name is Shamiso Mutukwa.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Shamiso
Please find attached a letter in connection with the above.
Yours faithfully
Karen Millar
Karen Millar
Paralegal, Legal and Property
SPT, 131 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5JF
t 0141 333 3787
[1]SPT Twitter
[2]SPT - Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
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Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached SPT’s response to your request for information in
connection with the above.
Yours faithfully
Karen Millar
Karen Millar
Paralegal, Legal and Property
SPT, 131 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5JF
t 0141 333 3787
[1]SPT Twitter
[2]SPT - Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
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3. www.spt.co.uk
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