Dear University College London,
I would like to request the details of wine held by the University
on campus.
Specifically, I would like to know:
The number and names of departments that have wine collections or
cellars. The stock lists of these collections by department. The
total amount of money spent on these wine collections between
September 2008 and the latest record you hold.
Yours faithfully,
Jack Dines
Dear Mr Dines,
Please find the attached in respect of your request.
Jon Tomkinson
Dear Tomkinson, Jon,
I believe you're now late with your reply
Yours sincerely,
Jack Dines
Dear Mr Dines,
Please see copy of the email that was sent previously.
I've re-attached the attachment.
Kindly confirm whether you require the information in respect of the Refectory.
Jon Tomkinson
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