Windsor Road parking bye-law
Dear Cambridge City Council,
There is a small sign on Windsor Road, Cambridge, which says, "Parking of vehicles on the grass verges in this road is an offence under a city bye-law." I am interested in this bye-law and any similar ones in Cambridge.
Please could you tell me if the bye-law mentioned by the sign is still in force? If it is, please could I have a copy of the instrument containing that bye-law, along with copies of any instrument that has amended or revoked that first instrument (in whole or in part)?
Finally, if there are similar bye-laws covering other parts of the City (for instance, I understand that there is one covering Mowbray Road and Fendon Road), please could you send me the same information in respect of them?
Thanks in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Harris
Dear Mr Harris,
Thank you for your request of 28 February 2016, you asked for the
following information:
There is a small sign on Windsor Road, Cambridge, which says, "Parking of
vehicles on the grass verges in this road is an offence under a city
bye-law." I am interested in this bye-law and any similar ones in
Please could you tell me if the bye-law mentioned by the sign is still in
force? If it is, please could I have a copy of the instrument containing
that bye-law, along with copies of any instrument that has amended or
revoked that first instrument (in whole or in part)?
Finally, if there are similar bye-laws covering other parts of the City
(for instance, I understand that there is one covering Mowbray Road and
Fendon Road), please could you send me the same information in respect of
The verge parking byelaw for Cambridge City Council was remade in 2004,
details of the committee paper with the background to the decision can be
found here:
A copy of the byelaw from 2004 is attached to this response, section 5 of
this byelaw details the revocation of the previous byelaw.
If you are not happy with the way in which your request has been dealt
with please contact Joel Carre, Head of Streets and Open Spaces. You may
also contact the Information Commissioner if you are still not happy with
the way your request has been dealt with. The Information Commissioner’s
address is:
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely
Wendy Young
Wendy Young
Operations Manager (Community Engagement and Enforcement)
T: 01223 458282
F: 01223 458219
Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
Dear Wendy Young,
Thank you for sending me a copy of the verge parking bylaw. It's precisely what I was looking for.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Harris
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