Wind, Solar and Energy Project MW/Size

The request was partially successful.

Dear North East Lincolnshire Council,

Further to my existing Freedom of Information Request sent on 3rd January 2024 concerning planning permission for wind, solar and battery projects, I would like to request the following information;

Please provide a list of approved and not approved wind, solar and battery projects indicating MW/size for each project.

Yours faithfully,

Liam Porter

Freedom Of Information (NELC), North East Lincolnshire Council

Dear Sir / Madam


I am pleased to acknowledge your request for information, which has been
allocated the reference number NELC/30140/2324.

Your request has been passed to the relevant department and you can expect
your response within the 20 working day limit. If it will take us longer
than 20 working days to respond to you, we will inform you of this and
provide you with the expected date for receiving a response.


Further information about how we will deal with your Freedom of
Information requests is available on our website at:




Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or
assistance quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely


North East Lincolnshire Council





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Freedom Of Information (NELC), North East Lincolnshire Council

Dear Sir / Madam


Thank you for your information request, reference number NELC/30140/2324.
I can confirm that North East Lincolnshire Council holds the following


Please provide a list of approved and not approved wind, solar and battery
projects indicating MW/size for each project.


This information is available to you via the planning portal.


Guidance for searching the Planning Portal:


On the website: [1]Planning portal | NELC (

after reading and agreeing the conditions, click ‘search planning

Click on ‘advanced’. 


Under ‘application details’ in the description keyword box enter ‘battery

Under ‘Dates’ in the decision date enter the appropriate to and from
dates, and click search.  This will produce applications containing
‘battery storage’ in the description of the application. 

Click on each application to view and calculate all the required details.

To retrieve applications with ‘solar’ in the description carry out the
above procedure entering ‘solar’ in the description keyword box. 

To retrieve applications with ‘wind ’ in the description carry out the
same procedure entering ‘wind farm’ in the description keyword box. 

Carry out another search using ‘wind turbine’.


The individual application should say under “decision” what the outcome
was if the status is decided.

Alternatively, when using the advanced search, a specific outcome can be
selected in the “decision” box.

The details of the size should be on each application.


If you believe that your request for information has not been handled in
accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, you have the right to
request an internal review by the Council. If you wish to request an
internal review, please write to us detailing the reasons why. Please be
clear about which elements of the Council’s response or handling of the
request you are unhappy with, and would like the Council to address during
the internal review process.  If following this you are still dissatisfied
you may contact the Office of the Information Commissioner.


Yours sincerely


North East Lincolnshire Council


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