Wind Farm scoping
Dear Northumberland County Council,
Could I have detail and planning status of all renewable energy projects in Northumberland that could be said to be "within the planning system" including scoping requests?
Could I have a list of all requests for a scoping opinion upon proposed wind farms in Northumberland with the applicants name, the location, number and size of turbines and their installed capacity together with any opinions supplied or communicated by or via NCC & its Officers.
Yours faithfully,
W. Short
Dear Mr Short
We have received your request which we are dealing with under the
Environmental Information Regulations. I have forwarded your request to
Development Services, who have 20 working days in which to respond, so you
should expect a reply by the end of business on 16^th May 2012.
If you should wish to appeal the response, you should apply, in writing,
to the authority for an internal review within 40 working days of the
response, the authority then has 40 working days in which to respond to
your appeal.
Requests for Internal Review should be sent to me or to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Northumberland County council
County Hall
NE61 2EF
e-mail [Northumberland County Council request email]
Should you still be displeased with the response, a complaint can be made
to the Information Commissioner's Office. The Commissioner will normally
only consider a complaint if an applicant has already exhausted the
original authority's internal review/complaints procedure.
Complaints to the Commissioner should be made as soon as possible after
receipt of the response from the original authority's internal complaints
procedure. Where an authority has included details of the right to appeal
to the Commissioner within their response, the Commissioner expects the
complaint to normally be made within 2 months of receipt.
Complaints should be sent to:
EIR/FOI Complaints
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Yours sincerely
Karen Savage
Business Support Manager
Commercial & Property Services
Local Services
County Hall
NE61 2EF
E- mail: [1][email address]
Tel: 01670 533404
Fax: 01670 533409
Northumberland County Council have classified this Email as PROTECT
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1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Sir,
Please can you confirm the timescales that you would like us to search our
systems? Our Unitary Authority information is only available back to April
Kind regards
Claire Craig
Business Support Officer
Development Services
Tel: 01670 622687
Dear Craig, Claire,
Could I please have:
1.Unitary data from Apr 2009 and
2.Tynedale, Morpeth & Alnwick data from 2004 to Apr 2009
Yours sincerely,
W Short
Dear Craig, Claire,
I am requesting information from the start of Unitary ie Apr 2009 but also from the files of the District Councils that you replaced and took over responsibilities from, covering the period from 2005 to Apr. 2009
Yours sincerely,
W Short
Dear Sir,
Please find attached a list of applications for renewable energy that are
held within our planning system. Unfortunately, I cannot add the Alnwick
area information onto this sheet as they are currently in the process of
transferring their data to another planning system.
This information may be available at the end of June if you would like to
request further information at that point.
I have also attached electronic copies of Screening & Scoping opinions
that we hold on file. Some of the Alnwick information is included within
this section as they are held separately to the Planning System.
Kind regards
Claire Craig
Business Support Officer
Development Management
Dear Northumberland County Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Northumberland County Council's handling of my FOI request 'Wind Farm scoping'.
It seems that a number of sites are missing or incompletely described in the list provided.
It is certainly incomplete with reference to opinions from third parties such as NIAL
I request full details of all sites.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
W Short
Dear Mr Short,
Further to your original request, if you would like to view any initial
requests for screening or scoping opinions these are held in paper format
in the public domain by appointment only. If you could detail out the
reference numbers required (held within the screening and scoping
attachment) and send them to [1][email address] they can
arrange a time for you to view these files once they have been retrieved.
We currently do not hold electronic copies of the original requests but
can be retrieved from storage in paper format once the reference numbers
are submitted.
Kind regards
Claire Craig
Business Support Officer
01670 622687
From: Craig, Claire
Sent: 15 May 2012 11:50
To: '[FOI #113664 email]'
Cc: Savage, Karen
Subject: FW: [PROTECT]EIR request - Wind Farm scoping
Dear Sir,
Please find attached a list of applications for renewable energy that are
held within our planning system. Unfortunately, I cannot add the Alnwick
area information onto this sheet as they are currently in the process of
transferring their data to another planning system.
This information may be available at the end of June if you would like to
request further information at that point.
I have also attached electronic copies of Screening & Scoping opinions
that we hold on file. Some of the Alnwick information is included within
this section as they are held separately to the Planning System.
Kind regards
Claire Craig
Business Support Officer
Development Management
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