Will there be a Cornish Tick box option on the 2011 UK census?
Dear Sir or Madam,
Will a Cornish ethnicity or national identity tick box option be available on the UK census for 2011. If not why not?
The ethnic data from the 2007 Cornish schools survey showed that 27% of children consider themselves to be Cornish rather than British or English. The results from the 2001 UK population census show over 37,000 people hold a Cornish identity instead of English or British. On this census, to claim to be Cornish, you had to deny being British, by crossing out the British option and then write ‘Cornish’ in the “other” box. This does not represent a mere clerical error or poorly thought through wording. This represents a denial of the right of the Cornish to describe themselves in terms of their identity. How many more people would have described themselves as Cornish if they did not have to deny being British or if there had been a specific Cornish tick box? How many people knew that writing 'Cornish' in the “other” box was an option? This was extremely poorly publicised. How many ticked British but feel Cornish British would have been closer to the truth.
Yours faithfully,
Philip Hosking
Mr Philip Hosking
[FOI #4973 email]
Ref: TO 09 03
8 January 2009
Dear Mr Hosking
Thank you for your email of 18 December. Information about the question
you have asked is freely available on the website and your request is not
therefore being considered as a Freedom of Information request.
In addition to the ethnic group question ONS will be recommending that a
national identity question is asked before the ethnic group question in the
2011 Census. The national identity question will give all people the
opportunity to express their affiliation with multiple national identities,
which will allow respondents to identify for the first time as both Cornish
(using the write in option) and British (using a tick box).
It is not possible within the constraints imposed by the length of the
census questionnaire to include a specific tick-box for every ethnic
background or national identity that has been requested. Extensive
consultation with users of Census statistics has not identified a
sufficiently strong need for a separate category for Cornish in the ethnic
group question or in the national identity question in the 2011 Census.
However, as in the 2001 Census, people will be able to use the write-in
facility to describe their ethnicity as Cornish if they wish.
Publicity prior to and at the time of the Census will include guidance and
help with completion of the questionnaire and focus will be given to the
write-in options so that people are aware that they can describe their
ethnicity and national identity in whatever way they wish.
You may be interested to see the questionnaire to be used in the 2009
Census Rehearsal which is available on the website :-
Yours sincerely
Margaret Wort
2011 Census Stakeholder Management and Communications
ONS Titchfield
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at http://www.statistics.gov.uk
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Dear Sir or Madam,
If I may I would like to continue my freedom of information request.
Please provide a list of all individuals and organisations consulted by the ONS, or who freely offered input, on the issues of a Cornish tick box, Cornish ethnicity and/or Cornish national identity in the 2011 UK census.
I would also like to know what their point of view on the above topics was.
What government bodies, individuals and organisations gave opinions, advice or instructions, and what were they?
Yours sincerely,
Philip Hosking
Our Reference: FOI00824/Hosking/QE1
Dear Mr Hosking
You have asked for a list of all individuals and organisations consulted by
the ONS on the issues of a Cornish tick box, Cornish ethnicity and/or
Cornish national identity in the 2011 Census.
Consultations on the content of the 2011 Census have all been published on
the web and so it is not possible to produce a list of all individuals or
organisations who may have accessed the consultation documents.
ONS’s initial view on the topics and questions to be included in the 2011
Census questionnaire was published as a consultation in May 2005 and during
June/July public roadshow meetings were held in Cardiff, Crewe, Harrogate,
London, Newcastle and Northampton. Responses to this formal consultation
including responses regarding ethnicity and identity are published on the
website at.
A list of organisations represented at these events is shown at Annex A
In addition a detailed consultation on user needs for ethnicity, national
identity, language and religion information from the 2011 Census in England
and Wales took place between December 2006 and March 2007. The findings of
this consultation are available in summary reports published in October
2007 which have been published on the website at:-
A list of those involved in this consultation is attached at Annex B.
In March 2007 a series of open meetings on the updated view on the content
of the Census in England and Wales including proposed questions on
Ethnicity and identity were held in Cardiff, Sheffield and London. Lists
of the organisations represented at these meetings are attached. (Annex C)
In addition ONS officials met Cornwall County Council officials, private
individuals and representatives of organisations on 20 April 2007 to
discuss Cornish issues. I understand that you were invited to this meeting
but unfortunately could not attend. A list of organisations represented at
the meeting is attached (Annex D)
We are unable to supply you with the names of individuals who attended as
this would be a breach of the Data Protection Act, and hence their names
are exempted from release under the Freedom of Information Act by virtue of
exemption found in S40(2) of that Act.
During November 2008 a series of roadshow meetings was held in Birmingham,
Bristol, Builth Wells, Durham, London, and Manchester, at which the
recommendations for the content of the Census questionnaire were presented.
For information the presentations are available on the website at:-
Roadshow meetings attendance is listed at Annex E.
In addition you have asked for a list of individuals and organisations who
freely offered input on the issues of a Cornish tick box, Cornish ethnicity
and/or Cornish national identity in the 2011 Census. Correspondence has
been received from a number of individuals, MPs and organisations. A list
is attached of organisations and MPs from whom correspondence has been
received together with the subject of the correspondence but the names of
individuals who have written in are not included. (Annex F) As in the
previous instance the release of the names of private individuals who have
corresponded with us would breach their rights under the Data Protection
Act and therefore this information is exempt under S40(2) of the Freedom of
Information Act
Your final question asked what government bodies, individuals and
organisations gave opinions, advice or instructions. Opinions were given
in the responses to consultations as referred to above. However, no
instructions have been received by any government body, individual or
organisation. The questions and categories which appear on the Census
questionnaire are those for which users of Census statistics have
identified a need for information.
If you are unhappy with the reply to your Freedom of Information request
you have the right to ask for an internal review of this case, and if you
still unhappy you may appeal to the Information Commissioner, to request an
Internal Review, please right to Mike Hughes, Director NSPG, ONS, Myddelton
Street, London, EC1R 1UW.
Yours sincerely
Nicola Shearman
Legal Services Branch, ONS
(See attached file: FOIAnnex ENovember 2008roadshows.xls)(See attached
file: FOIAnnex CLondonCardiffSheffield2007.xls)(See attached file: FOIAnnex
B EILR.xls)(See attached file: FOIAnnex FCornish correspondence.xls)(See
attached file: FOIAnnex Dmeeting in Cornwall 20April2007.xls)(See attached
file: FOIAnnex A 2005roadshows.xls)
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at http://www.statistics.gov.uk
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