Widening Participation and Scholar's Medicine Statisitics
Dear University of Liverpool,
I would like to request information regarding the 2018 and 2017 medicine admission cycles.
I would like to know how many students that were apart of (preferably) scholar's and the widening participation scheme recieved an offer in these cycles.
I am also interested in how many students were accepeted onto the course despite missing their offer whatever it may have been.
Lastly, I am interested if you have any information regarding the likely UKCAT cut-off score the 2019 entry
Yours faithfully,
Karina Woldon
Dear Ms Woldon
Thank you for your email of 4th December requesting information about offers and applications made by widening participation and scholar's students to our medicine course. I am writing to let you know that we have received your request and will process it as soon as possible, and in any case within 20 working days of the day we received the request. You will hear back from us by 8th January 2019 at the latest.
Yours sincerely
Kirsty Rothwell
Freedom of Information / Data Protection Officer
Legal & Compliance | University of Liverpool
Foundation Building |Brownlow Hill | Liverpool | L69 7ZX
[1]Ms Kirsty Rothwell Freedom of Information / Data Protection Officer The
Foundation Building 765 Brownlow Hill Liverpool L69 7ZX E
[University of Liverpool request email]
19^th December 2018
Name: Karina Woldon
Via email to: [FOI #536874 email]
Dear Ms Woldon,
Thank you for your email of 15^th December requesting information
concerning Widening Participation and Scholar's medicine statistics.
Colleagues within the University have provided the information you
requested below and attached.
Regarding the 2018 and 2017 medicine admission cycles.
Q1. I would like to know how many students that were apart of (preferably)
scholar's and the widening participation scheme received an offer in these
| |2017 |2018 |
| |Total|Offers|Total|Offers|
|ROGS (Realising Opportunities)|26 |16 |18 |10 |
|Scholars |9 |9 |9 |5 |
Q2. I am also interested in how many students were accepted onto the
course despite missing their offer whatever it may have been.
Scholars and ROGS generally receive offers that are lower than the typical
offer of AAA at A Level. Please see the attached spreadsheets showing 2017
and 2018 offers. In 2017, 14 started on the medicine A100 course. In 2018,
2 started on the medicine A100 course
Q3. Lastly, I am interested if you have any information regarding the
likely UKCAT cut-off score the 2019 entry
No, we have not yet decided the UKCAT cut off score for 2019. Scholars and
ROGS are likely to receive a lower offer.
If you are not satisfied with the University’s response to your request,
you may ask the University to review it. If you wish to do this, please
write to the Freedom of Information Reviewer, Legal & Compliance, The
University of Liverpool, The Foundation Building, 765 Brownlow Hill,
Liverpool, L69 7ZX (email [University of Liverpool request email]) enclosing a copy of your
original request and explaining your complaint. Please include an address
for correspondence.
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have a
right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:-
The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Website: www.ico.gov.uk
Yours sincerely,
Kirsty Rothwell
Freedom of Information / Data Protection Officer
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