WHSCT Trust Delivery Plan 2018-2019

The request was successful.

Caroline M Kelly

Dear Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

The HSCB (NI) website contains a draft document called a Trust Delivery Plan 2018-2019 for the Western HSC Trust. It is dated 28 November 2018 and is marked DRAFT and CONFIDENTIAL.

Please confirm whether this TDP is in fact the final Delivery Plan for WHSCT for 18-19 year and, if not, please let me have a copy of the final document.

Can you provide an estimated date when the Trust Delivery Plan for the Western HSCT for 2019-2020 will be submitted to the HSCB and when it will be published?

Yours faithfully,

Caroline M Kelly

FOI Request, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.

We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request (below) which was sent to the Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland).  Our reference number for this request is listed in the subject line of this email and should be quoted in any future communications about this request.

We will forward your information request to the relevant manager / department for consideration and will contact you again soon with a Trust response.

Kind Regards

Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]

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FOI Request, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.

Dear Ms Kelly

I refer to your Freedom of Information request below which was received on 28th May. We forwarded your request to the service area for consideration and response and they have now asked for some clarification (see below);

Can you advise where the Trust Delivery Plan is available online and if possible, can you provide that actual address / link?

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]

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Caroline M Kelly

Dear FOI Request,

The Trust Delivery plan is listed among the papers made available in connection with the HSCB Board meeting for March 2019. Link is below.


Yours sincerely,

Caroline M Kelly

Caroline M Kelly

Dear FOI Request,

The Trust Delivery plan is listed among the papers made available in connection with the HSCB Board meeting for March 2019. Link to HSCB papers for 2019 is shown below. Please see folder for March 2019.


Yours sincerely,

Caroline M Kelly

FOI Request, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.

Dear Ms Kelly

Many thanks for this. We forwarded your email and link to the service area on 11th June when you first responded to our query. We are awaiting the response from the service and will provide this to you when finalised.


Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]

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FOI Request, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

2 Attachments

This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.

Dear Ms Kelly

We refer to your information request as detailed below. Please find attached a response from the Western HSC Trust. Our reference number for this request is listed in the subject line of this email and should be quoted in any future communications about this response.

Kind Regards

Freedom of Information office
Western Health and Social Care Trust

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