Who pays Cafcass - Nation of Secrecy

F Mason made this Freedom of Information request to House of Lords This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

House of Lords did not have the information requested.

Dear Sir or Madam,


Please watch the above and answer all the outstanding questions
contained within, this is required under the FOI Act.

Yours faithfully,

F Mason

House Of Lords Information Office, House of Lords

Thank you for your email.

The House of Lords Information Office receives large numbers of e-mails and we aim to reply within 10 working days. If you need the information sooner please telephone the House of Lords Information Office on 020 7219 3107.

The following information may answer many of your enquiries.

House of Lords
If you have access to the Internet you may find the answers to most of your queries on the House of Lords pages of the Parliament website: <http://www.parliament.uk/> http://www.parliament.uk/lords

Judicial work
For queries about Judicial Work, please visit the Judicial Work section of the Parliament website (http://www.parliament.uk/business/judici...).

Contact the Supreme Court for further information:
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Parliament Square
London SW1P 3BD
Tel: 020 7960 1991/1992
Fax: 020 7960 1901

Appointments to the House of Lords
For queries about appointments to the House of Lords, contact the House of Lords Appointments Commission, which is a separate independent body and NOT part of the House of Lords:
The House of Lords Appointments Commission
35 Great Smith Street
Tel: 020 7276 2005 (020 7276 2315 for an Information Pack)

Thank you.

Dear House Of Lords Information Office,

It is probably wise to supply a transcribed version as a preventive
measure for the Public.

Between April 2008 and March 2009, CAFCASS had 6,465 cases on its books.
That’s nearly 18 new cases a day or one new case every thirty minutes of the working day.


Over the last four fiscal years, CAFCASS has dealt with 26,104 separate cases.
At a conservatively estimated cost of proceedings in Family Court of £400,000 per case, that means CAFCASS has been instrumental in spending £10.4 billion of public funds, minimum, over four years.


That’s £2.6 billion a year, not counting rollover cases. Or to put it another way;
Between 21 municipal areas which CAFCASS is divided into, £124.3 million per area per year.


Where does this money come from?
Who pays CAFCASS?

Funding is received in part from Central Government.
This does not answer the burning question; Where does the rest of the money come from?

We’re talking about litigation funding from Central Government straight to CAFCASS that is equal to fully one tenth of the Interest accrued on the Central Government (i.e. National) Debt through 2008/09.

Where does this money come from?

We haven’t even started talking about;

Salaries for CAFCASS, Social Services or their ancillary staff yet.

Who controls the money?
Who do CAFCASS answer to?
Who accounts for the actions of CAFCASS?
Who legislates for CAFCASS?
Who represents CAFCASS in Parliament?
Who do you complain to when CAFCASS goes bad?
To who do we turn to put right that which CAFCASS gets wrong so often?

Local Government? Central Government? Corporate Interests? Civil Liberties groups? Or each other?

Kind regards,

F Mason

House Of Lords Information Office, House of Lords

Thank you for your email.

The House of Lords Information Office receives large numbers of e-mails and we aim to reply within 10 working days. If you need the information sooner please telephone the House of Lords Information Office on 020 7219 3107.

The following information may answer many of your enquiries.

House of Lords
If you have access to the Internet you may find the answers to most of your queries on the House of Lords pages of the Parliament website: <http://www.parliament.uk/> http://www.parliament.uk/lords

Judicial work
For queries about Judicial Work, please visit the Judicial Work section of the Parliament website (http://www.parliament.uk/business/judici...).

Contact the Supreme Court for further information:
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Parliament Square
London SW1P 3BD
Tel: 020 7960 1991/1992
Fax: 020 7960 1901

Appointments to the House of Lords
For queries about appointments to the House of Lords, contact the House of Lords Appointments Commission, which is a separate independent body and NOT part of the House of Lords:
The House of Lords Appointments Commission
35 Great Smith Street
Tel: 020 7276 2005 (020 7276 2315 for an Information Pack)

Thank you.

T Quinn (Account suspended) left an annotation ()


this brave lady senator put all our mp's lords & ladies to shame

FOI LORDS, House of Lords

Dear F Mason,

I am writing in response to your request for information received by the House of Lords administration on 5 October 2009.

The House of Lords administration, like any public authority under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, can only respond to requests for recorded information which is held at the time of the request. The House administration does not hold information relating to the funding of Cafcass for its own purposes as this is not a function of the administration. However, if the matter has been discussed by Members of the House of Lords as a part of Parliamentary business this will be published in Hansard. Hansard is searchable and can be accessed online by following the link below.

If you have not already done so I would suggest you send your request to Cafcass. Contact information is available at: http://www.cafcass.gov.uk/system_page/fr...

If you wish to find out more about making an FOI request please follow the link below to a guidance document produced by the Information Commissioner's Office. http://www.ico.gov.uk/upload/documents/l...

Yours sincerely,

Frances Grey
Freedom of Information Officer
House of Lords

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