WHO - Improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines and other health products
Dear Department of Health and Social Care,
WHO Seventy Second World Health Assembly A72/A/CONF./2 Rev.1 28.May.2019
It has been reported that the UK, Germany and Hungary have disassociated themselves from this Resolution which seeks to have more transparency in the dealings between Governments and Pharmaceutical Companies, particularly on prices of different pharmaceutical goods.
The Medicines Cost Act given Royal Assent in August 2017 has not been implemented, and I understand that this was due to an inability on the Government's part to work out how to implement it.
Now that the UK Government has displayed a reluctance to divulge its negotiations on pricing with Pharmaceutical companies this shows the Medicines Cost Bill (2017) in a different light.
Would you please provide letters, or other documentation to show that the Government is still keen to implement the Medicines Cost Bill (2017) at some date in the future. And any documentation that sheds light on why the Government did not associate itself with the above Resolution.
This is pertinent to me because I need Liothyronine, a thyroid replacement hormone, which is currently over £200 a pkt in the UK but can be obtained in Europe for Euro 1 per month. I have been refused treatment, so have to obtain my own supplies. And it is not fair. I have to battle Endocrinologists, another source of anguish and stress.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Ms Sanday,
Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response
to your recent FOI request. (our ref: FOI-1177870)
Yours sincerely,
Lauren Der
Freedom of Information team
Department of Health and Social Care
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