Which MSPs voted for the “show me your papers society” (experimental genetic therapy for access to freedoms)?

The request was successful.

Dear Scottish Parliament,

A very recent news report states that the “COVID certification" (i.e. the COVID passport) scheme was passed by a vote in the Scottish Parliament. The report in The Scotsman states “The scheme was passed by 68 votes to 55, and will now come into operation on October 1, despite much anger by the industries affected.”

The information requested here may be available for public sources so a FOISA 2002 exemption and link would be appreciated if that is the case.

As a Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 request please provide the recorded lists of the members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) that voted on Thursday 9 September 2021 for the requirement for “COVID certification" with the lists separated into the way those MSPs voted i.e. for, against or abstained.

To be clear this request asks for the three lists of MSPs that voted for, against or abstained from a scheme to introduce a certification process to prove that for an individual to gain access to a “nightclub" (however that is defined in the future) or large audience event (e.g. large music concert or sporting event) they have to prove that they have been dosed on two occasions with an experimental genetic therapy (“COVID-19 vaccine” i.e. mRNA-1273, BNT162b2, AZD1222) that currently has emergency use authorisation from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, for which there is no long-term safety data, which the manufacturers have been indemnified by the UK Government for any injuries, where all “vulnerable groups” have already been “double jagged” (i.e. supposedly protected), where the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) can find no robust data to show a medical need in 12-15 year olds and that treats a disease with an average (mean) age of death of well over 70 (as identified in FOISA 2002 requests to the NRS, as the average age of death data is not published by the NRS in their reports).

Thanks for the information or link to a source for this information in the public domain (with the s25 FOISA 2002 exemption).

Yours faithfully,

J Grove


Dear J Grove,


I acknowledge your freedom of information request received on 10 September
2021. We will reply in due course within the statutory deadline.


Your request has been logged with the following reference number:


Kind regards,


Linda Forrest

IMG Assistant | Information Management & Governance Team |

The Scottish Parliament | Edinburgh | EH99 1SP |



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Visible links
1. http://www.parliament.scot/
2. http://facebook.com/scottishparliament
3. http://twitter.com/ScotParl


2 Attachments

Dear J Grove,

I refer to your request for information received on 10 September 2021.

Please find attached our reply and the accompanying notice.

Kind regards,


Linda Forrest

IMG Assistant | Information Management & Governance Team |

The Scottish Parliament | Edinburgh | EH99 1SP |


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Visible links
1. http://www.parliament.scot/
2. http://facebook.com/scottishparliament
3. http://twitter.com/ScotParl

Dear Foi-Officer,

Thanks for the information that was in the public domain already that shows that the MSPs voting for this change in societal policy were from the SNP and Green parties and were (copied from the website):

Motion ref. S6M-01123 (COVID Vaccine Certification Scheme)

Scottish National Party  61 for, 0 against, 0 abstained, 3 no vote

For: Alasdair Allan, Angela Constance, Angus Robertson, Annabelle Ewing, Ash Denham, Audrey Nicoll, Ben Macpherson, Bill Kidd, Bob Doris, Christina McKelvie, Christine Grahame, Clare Adamson, Clare Haughey, Colin Beattie, Collette Stevenson, David Torrance, Elena Whitham, Emma Harper, Emma Roddick, Evelyn Tweed, Fergus Ewing, Fiona Hyslop, Fulton MacGregor, George Adam, Gillian Martin, Gordon MacDonald, Graeme Dey, Humza Yousaf, Ivan McKee, Jackie Dunbar, James Dornan, Jamie Hepburn, Jenni Minto, Jenny Gilruth, Jim Fairlie, Joe FitzPatrick, John Mason, John Swinney, Karen Adam, Kate Forbes, Kaukab Stewart, Keith Brown, Kenneth Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Mairi Gougeon, Màiri McAllan, Marie McNair, Michael Matheson, Michelle Thomson, Neil Gray, Nicola Sturgeon, Paul McLennan, Richard Lochhead, Rona Mackay, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Shona Robison, Siobhian Brown, Stephanie Callaghan, Stuart McMillan, Tom Arthur, Willie Coffey

Scottish Green Party  7 for, 0 against, 0 abstained, 0 no vote

For: Ariane Burgess, Gillian Mackay, Lorna Slater, Maggie Chapman, Mark Ruskell, Patrick Harvie, Ross Greer

Yours sincerely,

J Grove