Where can I find the Policy Note 633 and 790 (PN 633,790)
Dear London Fire Commissioner (London Fire Brigade),
I have visited the London Fire Brigade website to access a copy of 633 and 790 (PN 633,790) and it was not listed on the documents available at https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/about-us/...
Please can you inform me if Policy Note 633 and 790 (PN 633,790) is still current?
Has Policy Note 800 (PN800) been superseded?
Please can you provide me with a copy of the current Policy Note 800 (PN800) or if it has been superseded then the new document?
Yours faithfully,
Yi-Heng Huang
Dear Yi Heng,
Thank you for your request below.
This will be considered under the FOIA and, as such, we will respond within 20 working days.
Kind Regards,
Tavell Carter
Information Access
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
T 020 8555 1200 x 30314
E [email address]
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London Fire Brigade
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Dear Yi-Heng,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request , dated 2nd November 2019, in relation to the London Fire Brigade’s (LFB) Policy Notes (PN 633, 790, 800).
In order to assist the public in accessing these, we have (and continue) to publish policies (which are considered non operationally sensitive) on our website as part of our publication scheme. You can find these by searching 'our polices and procedures' here: https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/about-us/...
As you have confirmed the above policies are not listed on our website, I have attached the latest version of the following documents; Please note Policy number 800 (PN800) is currently in the early stages of the internal review process, we do not have a completion date at this time.
LFB policy no.633 ‘High Rise Firefighting’
LFB policy no.790 ‘Fire Survival Guidance Call’
LFB policy no.800 'Management of Operational Risk Information'
I do hope you find this information of use and trust it now concludes your request. Should you have any questions do let me know.
Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). If you are dissatisfied by this response you can request an internal review by writing to the Head of Information Management at the address below (or email [email address]).
Further information about your information rights (including how to raise a concern or make a complaint) is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office on their website at www.ico.org.uk or by writing to them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Kind Regards
Joel Yohou
Business Intelligence
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
T 020 8555 1200 x 30422
E [email address]
Email disclaimer
The information in this email may contain confidential or privileged materials.
Please read the full email disclaimer notice at london-fire.gov.uk/EmailDisclaimer
For fire safety advice please go to london-fire.gov.uk/YourSafety
Dear Yi-Heng,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request , dated 2nd November 2019, in relation to the London Fire Brigade’s (LFB) Policy Notes (PN 633, 790, 800).
In order to assist the public in accessing these, we have (and continue) to publish policies (which are considered non operationally sensitive) on our website as part of our publication scheme. You can find these by searching 'our polices and procedures' here: https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/about-us/...
As you have confirmed the above policies are not listed on our website, I have attached the latest version of the following documents; Please note Policy number 800 (PN800) is currently in the early stages of the internal review process, we do not have a completion date at this time.
LFB policy no.633 ‘High Rise Firefighting’
LFB policy no.790 ‘Fire Survival Guidance Call’
LFB policy no.800 'Management of Operational Risk Information'
I do hope you find this information of use and trust it now concludes your request. Should you have any questions do let me know.
Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). If you are dissatisfied by this response you can request an internal review by writing to the Head of Information Management at the address below (or email [email address]).
Further information about your information rights (including how to raise a concern or make a complaint) is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office on their website at www.ico.org.uk or by writing to them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Kind Regards
Joel Yohou
Business Intelligence
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street London SE1 0LL
T 020 8555 1200 x 30422
E [email address]
Email disclaimer
The information in this email may contain confidential or privileged materials.
Please read the full email disclaimer notice at london-fire.gov.uk/EmailDisclaimer
For fire safety advice please go to london-fire.gov.uk/YourSafety
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