What was the Vaccine Plan?

The request was partially successful.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Q What was the Vaccine Regime Plan for the Gulf war/Op Granby 90/91? ( What Vaccines were purchased/formulated and then supplied for the intention of use on each and every 1 of our troops?

Q DId the MOD use vaccine/s or combinations of vaccines that had never been tested on humans prior to the Gulf War troops 90/91?

Q How many total shots were our troops supposed to receive during those 1st few weeks in 90/91 and how many Anthrax boosters were included in this number?

Q Did MOD take into account the individuals current health and recent vaccines history prior to administering them with the Vaccine regime?

Q MOD Have stated before, that we used the United States formula for Anthrax. Did the USA formula offered to us contain squalene?

Q Did we replace the squalene adjuvant with the Pertusis adjuvant?

Q Did we recieve any Anthrax supplies through the USA?

Q Which version of Anthrax did British troops receive that were attached to our American Allies?

Thankyou in advance for the open and honest forthcoming information


gavin roberts

Dear Ministry of Defence,

I have not received a response to my FOI 20 days plus ago in reference to

What was the Vaccine Plan for the Gulf War 90/91?

What Vaccines did MOD supply to units for administration?

How many Anthrax shots were troops intended to receive?


gavin roberts

Dear Ministry of Defence,

I have not received the answers to my questions under the title WHAT WAS THE VACCINE PLAN?
(In essence what had MOD believed/hoped each service person would have received by the end of Feb 1991?)


gavin roberts

People-Sec-FOI Mailbox (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,


Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) of 9 November
2018 requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


I apologise for the time taken to respond fully to your FOI request.


The MOD response is attached.


MOD People Secretariat FOI



Dear People-Sec-FOI Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

Thankyou for your response,

You stated that MOD were in the PROCESS of establishing research into the combinations if vaccines and tablets!

When and where did this study take place? and by whom?. Please forward the data of results of such tests.

Gavin Roberts