What vaccines did you administer me with?

The request was refused by Ministry of Defence.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

My name is Gavin Roberts i was attached to T Bty 12 Air Defence Regt on Op Granby 1991.

We arrived at Blackadder on the 4th January.
We were herded through a tent, ordered to roll up sleeves and accept vaccinations in both arms step and keep stepping forward for more shots in our arms in between the shot administrator's.

Question 1

What EXACT vaccines were administered to me as part of the MULTIPLE VACCINE REGIME at that location?

Question 2

What were the exact vaccines we received in the front line approx 10 -14 days later.

28 years of fact hunting, these should be relatively straight forward questions for MOD to clearly answer.


gavin roberts

SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,
In response to your enquiry below, please see the attached.


Joint Medical Group Secretariat

show quoted sections

Dear SG SecFin-Sec Gp Mailbox (MULTIUSER),

Thankyou for your reply,

If you are concerned in breaching my personal data protection, Firstly give you my full authority to publish publicly the vaccines given to myself .

Another option is for you to pass this information that you are concerned may breach my personal data protection on to me through email, which is
[email address]

Thankyou in advance for this information in whichever form it arrives,


gavin roberts