What Sir Gus O’Donnell told the Public Accounts Committee.
Dear HM Revenue and Customs,
Any information given to Sir Gus O’Donnell by HMRC in relation to any Civil Servant who was charged with breach of contract for raising concerns within HMRC under the Civil Service Code to Dave Hartnett in 2007. I’m only referring to Civil Servants who were based at the Tax Credit Office in Preston in 2007. Please include in this request any documents, e-mails, or advice given
Yours faithfully,
Andi Ali
Dear Mr Ali
Please find attached acknowledgement for FOI 2845/11.
<<FOI 2845 11 A Ali - Acknowledgement.pdf>>
Yours sincerely
Freedom of the Information Team
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Dear Sir,
Attached please find a response to your recent requests.
Margaret Earing
HMRC Freedom of Information Team
Central Policy
Information Policy & Disclosure
100 Parliament Street
London SW1A 2BQ
020 7147 0233 Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
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Dear HM Revenue and Customs,
You seem to be under some illusion that I am working with Sims, Murray etc…. I can assure you that I am not. However, if you fail to respond to my Freedom of Information Request, I will ask for a review and if you still fail to comply, it will be referred to the Information Commissioners and if need be, an Information Tribunal. If other users are making similar requests for information that is between you and them, and none of my concern. Personally I have never heard of Murray, Sims or Jones. To save time and to prevent HMRC wasting public funds and breaching the Freedom of Information Act, I would urge you to reply to my request. Anybody would think you had something to hide.
Yours faithfully,
Andi Ali
Dear HM Revenue and Customs,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of HM Revenue and Customs's handling of my FOI request 'What Sir Gus O’Donnell told the Public Accounts Committee.'.
I cannot be held responceable for requests made by people I have never heard off. Please provide the information I have requested, or I will refer the matter to the Information Commissioner for his
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Andi Ali
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Dear Mr Ali
Please find attached HMRC's response to your request for an internal
Yours sincerely
Mary Leeds
<<2845 a ali response.pdf>>
Mary Leeds | Freedom of Information Policy Adviser | Central Policy | Room
1C/25 | 100 Parliament Street London SW1A 2BQ | Tel: 020 7147 0034
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David Baker left an annotation ()
HMRC are also required to provide you with assistance, e.g. suggestions as to how you may ask for information that will not be caught under S12
Dear HM Revenue and Customs,
Under the Freedom of Information Act, HMRC are required to provide full details of your estimate of cost. Please provide it.
You are also required to provide full details of your estimate of cost. Please provide it.
Yours faithfully,
Andi Ali
Andi Ali left an annotation ()
This matter has now been passed to the Information Commissioner for his action.
Dear HM Revenue and Customs,
As you have neither given me the information I requested, or provided information reguarding costs, I will now refer the matter to the Information Commissioner for his attention. I will also be asking for a court order to summon Sir Gus and Dave Hartnett to any Information Tribrunal hearing that may occur, Yours faithfully,
Andi Ali
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David Baker left an annotation ()
HMRC are required to provide full details of their estimate of cost. Ask them to provide it.
Alternatively you have the option of making a formal complaint to the Information Commissioners Office seeking a formal decision notice.