What is the code of conduct when answering questions in Parliament?
Dear Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority,
What is the code of conduct when answering questions in Parliament
Yours faithfully,
Trudy Baddams
Dear Trudy,
Thank you for your email.
IPSA is responsible for regulating and administering the system of
business costs and expenses provided to MPs, and for paying MPs and their
staff. As such, I’m afraid we aren’t responsible for issues relating to
parliamentary procedure.
The information you are seeking may be available on Parliament’s website
however. The Code of Conduct for MPs, which is regulated by the
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, can be found at the following
You can also find information about raising questions in Parliament here:
If you have any further queries, please do contact the House of Commons
Enquiry Service, whose contact details can be found at the following
Kind regards,
Chris Veck
Policy & FOI Adviser
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA)
4th Floor
30 Millbank
London, SW1P 4DU
Tel: 020 7811 6400
Email: [4][IPSA request email]
Follow us on Twitter: [6]@ipsauk
Year-end is 31 March. The year-end process is vital for ensuring that your
costs are allocated to the correct financial year. You can access guidance
at: [7]www.IPSAOnline.org.uk
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