What is "Site A" and "Site B"?

The request was refused by Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

Darryl J Lee (Mr.)

Dear Nuclear Decommissioning Authority,

As listed on RWM’s “Organisational Chart”, I note there are currently 2 sites: “Site A” and “Site B” at which geological investigators are deployed or required.

Site A - has a Geophysicist reporting to a Senior Geophysicist and has a Geological Investigations Manager reporting to The Head of Site Characterisation.

Site B – has a Geological Investigations Manager plus a Geological Technical Integrator and a Geoscience Data Manager and also has a Site Characterisation Health and Safety Manager all of whom report to The Head of Site Characterisation.

The Head of Site Characterisation reports directly to The Technical Director of RWM.

This shows that at least two sites are being considered.

Please identify Site A and Site B for which all of these geological scientists and management are required?

Yours faithfully,

Darryl J Lee (Mr.)

Enquiries, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

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Dear Mr Lee

As your query is in relation to RWM Ltd's Organisational Structure, they are best placed to respond to this request.

You can contact them via - [email address]


Judith Griffin
Information Access Manager
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

We work flexibly - so whilst it suits me to email now, I do not expect any response or action outside of your own working pattern. My working pattern is Tue – Thur, 8:30m – 16:30

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Darryl J Lee (Mr.)

Dear Nuclear Decommissioning Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Nuclear Decommissioning Authority's handling of my FOI request 'What is "Site A" and "Site B"?'.

Dear NDA.
You have refused my Request.
You did so on your misunderstanding of my request.
You thought my Request was about RWM's Organisational chart. It is not.

Your response appears to suggest that the NDA do not know what RWM is up to.
My Request is that the NDA identify "Site A" and "Site B".

RWM are acting for and under the direction of the NDA. The NDA pay RWM to conduct the geological investigations being carried out by RWM. The NDA must know where the two Sites are.

Please disclose the precise locations of Site A and Site B.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/w...

Yours faithfully,

Darryl J Lee (Mr.)

Enquiries, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

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Dear Mr Lee

We have redirected you to the Organisation best placed to answer your enquiry - i.e. RWM Ltd as the request is about their Org chart. This is in line with FOI Act requirements to assist and advise.

Please explain what NDA would be reviewing?


Judith Griffin
Information Access Manager
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

We work flexibly - so whilst it suits me to email now, I do not expect any response or action outside of your own working pattern. My working pattern is Tue – Thur, 8:30m – 16:30

T: 01925 80 2077
E: [email address]
W: http://www.nda.gov.uk

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Anderson, Lee, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

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I have seen your request for an internal review regarding the NDA's response to your request. Normally I would only conduct an internal review when an individual has an issue with the response they have received to their question rather than when they are being directed elsewhere for an answer. However as I am aware that you have had a number of requests and interaction with the Information Governance team I have asked to see all of your requests as part of my review.

Our policy indicates a review should be completed within 20 working days in most circumstances or 40 working days in exceptional circumstances. My aim is to have a response to you as soon as I can and I will provide a better indication of timeframe once I have received and read all of the documentation connected with your requests.


Lee Anderson
Head of Compliance
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

We work flexibly - so whilst it suits me to email now, I do not expect any response or action outside of your own working pattern

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Darryl J Lee (Mr.)

Dear Anderson, Lee,

Hi there.

Please be advised that this Request for Information (What is Site A / Site B?) is separate to all previous Requests. It does not relate to any other Request or the response to any previous Request.

I asked for an Internal Review because this Request was REFUSED in the following terms:

"As your query is in relation to RWM Ltd's Organisational Structure, they are best placed to respond to this request. You can contact them via [email address]"

To clarify, my Request does not relate to RWM's Organisational Chart - that is merely the source of information to assist you in responding to my Request. My Request is for the location of Site A and Site B.

Many thanks and kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

Darryl J Lee (Mr.)

Anderson, Lee, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Mr Lee

Following correspondence between us on 7th September I have concluded my review of information to provide me with context on your request and I have reviewed your correspondence with Judith Griffin. It is clear that she has not declined your request but has guided you towards RWM, the organisation best placed to answer your question. As Judith has noted to you, this is in line with FOI Act requirements to assist and advise.

Therefore I have concluded there is no merit in conducting an internal review as you have been guided to the most appropriate organisation to answer your request. I have contacted Jane Ivey at RWM to notify her that a request for information relating to Site A and Site B is likely.

If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Lee Anderson
Head of Compliance
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

We work flexibly - so whilst it suits me to email now, I do not expect any response or action outside of your own working pattern

T: 01925 802042
M: 07970 750014
E: [email address]
W: http://www.nda.gov.uk

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Darryl J Lee (Mr.)

Dear Anderson, Lee,

Thank you for conducting an internal review, the outcome of which is noted.

I shall close this request now but should highlight my worries below before that.

The issue is that the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority was asked for information about "site A" and "Site B" after I discovered that the NDA is financing (with tax-payers money) the deployment of numerous scientists and managers (via RWM) at or in connection to Site A and Site B.

The NDA did not suggest that they do not hold the information; they suggested RWM might be better placed to explain the situation.

Radioactive Waste Management Limited ("RWM") say that NO site has been chosen as a potential future location of a Geological Disposal Facility apparently denying all knowledge of the sites chosen as potential future sites of a GDF (Sites and A and B) - being investigated as such by the scientists I mentioned which are referred to in RWM documents who receive are paid-for by The NDA out of the public purse.

Without quoting the extensive provisions of the legislation and regulations, the underlying concern is this:

IF the NDA hold any information about subject of the request (Site A and Site B) and the sites' investigation as potential future sites of a GDF for which the NDA have a legal and financial responsibility [and the NDA do not deny knowledge] they MUST disclose that information upon request.

Thanks again.

Yours sincerely,

Darryl J Lee (Mr.)