What happens to my rubbish/recycling...

The request was successful.

Dear Cherwell District Council,

Please could you give me a breakdown of what happens to my rubbish/recycling currently (not what happened in previous years but what happens now), specifically:

How is the rubbish (green bin) disposed of?

How is the recycling (blue bin) recycled? What percentage is recycled (and into what) and what percentage is disposed of in other ways (e.g. land fill or incinerated or shipped abroad)?

How much of the garden waste (brown bin) is composted? What happens to the compost?

Yours faithfully,

Jim Henderson

Cherwell District Council

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL, if you wish to contact us regarding your request please email [Cherwell District Council request email] and quote case reference 101001031930

Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations 2004

The Council is dealing with your request for information in accordance with the above legislation. This means that it has 20 working days to respond to your request. Unless the Council does not have the information or determines that, if it has the information, it is not required to release it to you, the Council should send you the information requested, or a notification of the cost of supplying that information within 20 working days.

If you are provided with any information as a result of your request, you may be required to pay the Council's disbursements in providing that information. Disbursements consist of any costs arising from:

? Complying with your request for the information to be provided in a particular format;
? Reproducing the document (ie photocopy/ printing);
? Costs of postage or fax.

You will be notified of any disbursement costs once the Council is in a position to provide the information requested and the Council will not release the information until these costs have been paid. You will have 3 months from the date you are notified of the disbursement costs to pay such costs.

If the Council confirms that it has the information you have requested, but considers that it is not required to release it to you, you will be given a written notification detailing why the information is not being released.

In the event you need to contact the Council about your request, please email [Cherwell District Council request email] and quote case reference (system to insert reference).

Kind regards

Information Access Team (Email: [email address])

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL, if you wish to contact us regarding your request please email [Cherwell District Council request email] and quote case reference 101001031930

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Unless expressly stated otherwise, the contents of this e-mail represent only the views of the sender and does not impose any legal obligation upon the Council or commit the Council to any course of action.

Caroline Croghan,

Dear Jim Henderson

Freedom of Information Act 2000
Ref: FOI 101001031930 Waste and Recycling
I refer to your email dated 13 December 2018, concerning release of detail
under the Freedom of Information Act.

Please could you give me a breakdown of what happens to my
rubbish/recycling currently (not what happened in previous years but what
happens now), specifically:

How is the rubbish (green bin) disposed of?
This is sent to the Energy Recovery Facility and incinerated.

How is the recycling (blue bin) recycled? What percentage is recycled (and
into what) and what percentage is disposed of in other ways (e.g. land
fill or incinerated or shipped abroad)?
This is taken to a Materials Recovery Facility. – 2017/18 97.8% of the
blue bin recycling was recycled back into resources, i.e. paper, card,
metals and plastics. 8.2% was contamination and sent for energy recovery.

How much of the garden waste (brown bin) is composted? What happens to the

All of the contents of the brown bin is composted. This is then used on
local farmers fields.

If you are not satisfied with this response, you may contact the Council's
Freedom of Information Officer at the above address or at
[1][Cherwell District Council request email]. If you are still not satisfied with the
Council’s response you are advised to contact the Information Commissioner
directly at the Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or on [2][email address]. Under
Section 50 of the Act you may apply to the Commissioner for a decision as
to whether your request for information has been dealt with in accordance
with the requirements of Part I of the Act.

Yours sincerely



Caroline Croghan
Management Support Officer
PA to Ed Potter
Environmental Services
Cherwell District Council

Direct Dial 01295 221916
Extension 7023
[3]mailto:[email address]


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