This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'What Cowley LTNs review activities have been conducted since 19 July 2022'.

Our reference:  21282 EIR – 21283 EIR 
20 April 2023 
Dear Mr Webb, 
Thank you for your request of 21 March 2023 in which you asked for the 
following information: 
Can you provide details of the community and stakeholder engagement 
activities that have been conducted since Tuesday, 19 July 2022 to further 
refine the Cowley LTNs. Please include but not limited to event planning 
documents and emails, event advertisements, dates of the events, names of 
organisations and stakeholders that took part, the type of activity and the 
outputs and information obtained from these activities. 
Can you provide details on what activities were conducted to review all 
elements of the Cowley LTNs scheme. Please include the dates when these 
activities occurred, the considerations and the outcomes. 
Can you provide details of all the proposals that have been considered, and 
their current status. And if rejected please provide an explanation. 
It is the Council’s view that to comply with your request to provide all 
anonymised documents would absorb enough of its staff’s time to 
engage regulation 12(4)(b) of the Environmental Information Regulations 
2004. Regulation 12(4)(b) provides that a public authority is excepted 
from complying with a request for information if that authority considers 
that it would place a ‘substantial and unreasonable burden on [its] 
It is the Council’s estimate that to provide you with the information that 
you have requested would absorb approximately 107 hours of staff time 
The Council considers that this represents a substantial burden and an 
unreasonable diversion of its resources from the provision of essential 
public services.  
The Council has estimated the time that it would take to deal with your 
request accordingly: 

1.  At least 12 staff and councillors searching and sifting inboxes for 
emails and documents, and redacting any personally identifiable 
information that may be included before sharing:  records @ 10 
minutes per email/document based on average of 50 
documents/emails per person = 100 hours 

2.  Checking output by a separate colleague records = 2.5 hours  
3.  Writing response – 3 hours 

4.  Internal governance/ approval of response – 1.5 hour 
TOTAL TIME = 107 hours 
As you can see, to comply with your request would impose a substantial 
burden on the Council’s resources. In reaching its decision, the Council 
also considered whether disclosure would be in the public interest. 
Arguments in favour of disclosure: 

1.  Disclosure could further the understanding of, and participation 
in, public debate; and  
2.  Releasing this information may promote transparency and 
increase public awareness. 
Arguments against disclosure: 

1.  Committing a considerable amount of the Council’s resources to 
answering this request would detract from the services that it 
provides in other areas, 

2.  That there is a need to ensure that public funds are applied 
effectively, and 
3.  The importance of the matter at hand does not constitute an 
overriding or exceptional reason for disclosure. 
On this occasion, the Council finds that the public interest in refusing 
your request outweighs the public interest in complying with it.  
Advice and Assistance 
In accordance with the Council’s duty to now advise and assist you, 
might I suggest that you consider amending your request to narrow its 
For instance, you may wish to reduce the number of requested data to 
less than 2,000 entries and be more precise in specifying, which free 
text entries you are interested in receiving.  
Internal review 
If you are dissatisfied with the service or response to your request, you can 
ask for an internal review as follows: 
•  Contact the Freedom of Information team in Customers and 
Organisational Development:  
•  Write to the Freedom of Information team at the FREEPOST address:  
Freedom of Information Team 
Oxfordshire County Council 
Oxford OX1 1YA 

If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you 
have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:  
The Information Commissioner's Office,  
Wycliffe House,  
Water Lane,  
SK9 5AF 
Telephone: 0303 123 1113  
Please let me know if you have further enquiries. I would be grateful if you 
could use the reference number given at the top of this email. 
Yours sincerely, 
Clare Springett 
Project Manager 
Infrastructure Delivery 
Oxfordshire County Council 