Westgate car parking charges
Dear Oxford City Council,
I have a statement from Westgate management that car parking prices are set in conjunction with Oxford City Council and reviewed with them. I would like to understand the contractual / policy / legal arrangement which governs this. Which of Westgate or the City Council has final authority and decision making powers over the setting of charges? Please provide me with relevant contractual documents or extracts from contractual documents, concerning the setting of car parking charges at the Westgate car park.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Barnett
Dear Mr Barnett,
Thank you for your email below. We received your request on 1st March 2022, and you will be sent a response within 20 working days (of receipt) in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000/ Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR), subject to the information not being exempt or containing reference to a third party.
Yours sincerely,
Joyce Fagan
Information Governance Requests Officer
Joyce Fagan | Information Governance Requests Officer | Oxford City Council | Law and Governance | St. Aldate's Chambers | Oxford | OX1 1DS |
Dear Mr Barnett,
Further to the email below, I can respond to your Freedom of Information
Act 2000 request, as follows
The extract from the lease dated 16th October 2015 made between Oxford
City Council (1) and Westgate Oxford Alliance Limited Partnership acting
by its General Partner Westgate Oxford Alliance GP Limited (2) relating to
the setting of car parking charges is set out below. When making any
amendments to the tariff, Westgate must have regard to the city centre car
parks, as well as undertaking consultation with the Council on the
proposed changes.
An annual review is undertaken between the Council and Westgate where
future parking charges are discussed.
If you disagree with any part of the response to your request, you are
entitled to ask the Council for an internal review of the decision(s)
made. You may do this by writing to the Monitoring Officer, by either
email – [1][email address] – or by post to Monitoring Officer, Oxford
City Council, St Aldate’s Chambers, St Aldate’s, Oxford, OX1 1DS. After
the result of the internal review, if you remain dissatisfied, you may ask
the Information Commissioner to intervene on your behalf. You may do this
by writing to the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Joyce Fagan
Information Governance Requests Officer
Joyce Fagan | Information Governance Requests Officer | Oxford City
Council | Law and Governance | St. Aldate's Chambers | Oxford | OX1 1DS
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