Western Health and Social care trust
Dear Royal College of Surgeons of England,
Can I ask for these questions across the WHSCT by acute hospitals Altnagelvin Area Hospital & South West Acute Hospital.
1. All contacts made with Western Trust and Social Care Trust formally with your organisation since 2018
Please include RCS both in England and in NI.
2. Please explain also what was the instruction given which the trust states "delayed recruitment in July 2021" about the impact of removing emergency surgery? https://youtu.be/5UHs_vPCh0A?t=2625 -referenced in Fermanagh & Omagh District Council meeting 17th November shown on youTube.
3. May I have all specific safety implications or issues raised or mitigating which the WHSCT were given by RCS since 2018
4. The minutes of any meetings both UK based with Royal College of Surgeons or regional meetings held regarding the withdrawal of EGS from South West Acute Hospital or trust-wide with regard to:
- The reconfiguring of surgical services?
- Collapse of workforce in trust.
- The implications that has for Emergency Department services?
- Any mitigation statements on increased risks to lives due to collapse of service?
5. Any letters of concern or alerts raised by the Western Health and Social Care Trust or yourselves to the western trust and social care trust on the safety of provision in since 2018.
6. Please include letters of concerned voiced by individual Consultant members of the Royal College of Surgeons.
5 Copies of any formal communication and advice given to WHSCT.
Yours faithfully,
helen hamill
Dear Helen Hamill
Please note that The Royal College of Surgeons of England is not subject
to the Freedom of Information Act. Therefore, we do not respond to any
Freedom of Information Requests.
If you wish you could make a query directly to the college, then depending
on the circumstances it might be answered, however, this cannot be made
under the Freedom of Information Act.
Nicholas Taylor
Information Governance Manager
Royal College of Surgeons of England
38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PE
T: +44 20 7869 6007
E: [1][email address]
W: [2]www.rcseng.ac.uk
Dear Dpo,
Have been in contact and am hopeful that I will get response via email.
Yours sincerely,
helen hamill
Dear Dpo,
Dear RCS ENg.
Dear Dpo,
the ROyal College of Surgsons- I am informed may not have to answer an FOI, in this platform, however I did engage with their information governance department as your email on WDTK-site suggested.
who did communicate several times thus someone was "delaying" the response.
A per Tue, 13 Dec 2022, my requwst for honest and open information remains entirely un addressed.
Can I have the FOI request answered.
Yours sincerely,
helen hamill
Dear Dpo,
I am terribly disappointed in the failure to engage... why?
Yours sincerely,
helen hamill
Dear Royal College of Surgeons of England,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Royal College of Surgeons of England's handling of my FOI request 'Western Health and Social care trust'.
this is regretful, but I am being ignored by RCS.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/w...
Yours faithfully,
helen hamill
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