West Scotland Vehicle Callsigns
Dear Scottish Fire and Rescue Service,
I would like the callsigns assigned to all units in the west of Scotland.
If it could be sent in the following format:
(Callsign) (vehicle type)
Eg. K02A1 Rescue Pump
As I believe it is in the interest of the general and has already been said to be in the public interest by the SFRS previously
Yours faithfully,
Kyle Banks
Dear Kyle Banks,
Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your request for information.
Your request will be processed in accordance with Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has 20 working
days in which to provide you with a response.
Please note that this request has been given a unique Reference Number
therefore please ensure that you quote this number in any future
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Dear Mr Banks
Please find attached response to your request.
Sharon Reid
Data Protection/Freedom of Information Officer
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Maryhill Fire Station
Glasgow G20 7TL
Telephone – 01698 402627 - Working Week – Tuesday till Friday
This message was classified by Sharon Reid
([email address]) at Fri, 13 Dec 2019 08:57:02 GMT
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