West and East Greenwich neighbourhood management project

The request was refused by Greenwich Borough Council.

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

Please provide me with a list of:

1) Charities that have been consulted
2) Businesses that have been consulted

regarding the West and East Greenwich neighbourhood management project.

In your response, please advise how these businesses have been consulted.

Please also provide me with copies of (redacted if necessary) feedback received.

Yours faithfully,

J Jeffrey

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

FOI request: FOI-405

Thank you for your request dated 01/09/2023

Your request will be answered by 29/09/2023

If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.

Yours sincerely,

David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

FOI request: FOI-405

Thank you for your request dated 01/09/2023

Our response is as follows:

Please provide me with a list of:

1) Charities that have been consulted

2) Businesses that have been consulted

regarding the West and East Greenwich neighbourhood management project.

In your response, please advise how these businesses have been consulted.

The engagement carried out is open to all stakeholders, including
businesses and charities. 

All addresses in the area will also have received the letter directly
inviting them to participate, including those occupied by businesses and

Please also provide me with copies of (redacted if necessary) feedback

At the time of the request the consultation in question was still ongoing
(and is still at the time of this response), so we do not currently hold
this data.

If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [1][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely,

David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

ü Please consider the environment before printing this email

From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 9:26 AM
To: 'Joe' <[FOI #1020817 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-405: Freedom of Information request - West and East Greenwich
neighbourhood management project

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

FOI request: FOI-405

Thank you for your request dated 01/09/2023

Your request will be answered by 29/09/2023

If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.

Yours sincerely,

David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Greenwich Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'West and East Greenwich neighbourhood management project'.

I and my neighbours did not receive a letter from the council regarding the scheme despite living in an area where the scheme is look to be run.

Further, no businesses in Trafalgar Road or Woolwich Road received any letters.

Additionally, I would like you to forward to me any correspondence regarding the scheme once the consultation has closed on 6 October 2023.

Finally, am I to take it that you have not consulted with any disability charities or elderly charities according to your previous response? Your answer as to charities consulted is too vague.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/w...

Yours faithfully,


foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Jeffrey,

Internal Review request: INT-578

Thank you for your request dated 02/10/2023

Your request will be answered by 30/10/2023

If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.

Yours sincerely,

David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Jeffrey,


Internal Review on Freedom of Information request: INT-578


Thank you for your Internal Review request on the handling of your Freedom
of Information request. Please find the outcome attached.


If you are not content with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision.
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment & Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18



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From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: 02 October 2023 10:37
To: 'Joe' <[FOI #1020817 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: INT-578: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - West
and East Greenwich neighbourhood management project


Dear Mr Jeffrey,


Internal Review request: INT-578


Thank you for your request dated 02/10/2023


Your request will be answered by 30/10/2023


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [2]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


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