Websites funded by Enterprise Development North East Ltd
Dear Sir or Madam
This request under the FOI Act is in relation to websites funded by Enterprise Development North East Ltd which is a company that considers One North East to be the ultimate controlling party.
I would be grateful if you could provide the following information in relation to websites that are funded by Enterprise Development North East Ltd:
- Website address
- Costs for financial years 2008/09 and 2009/10 together with forecast for 2010/2011
Yours Faithfully,
James Burke
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Following telephone call on the 6th January still awaiting confirmation of a meeting date to discuss this FOI - see also.
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Meeting arranged with ONE on the 27th January to discuss/clarify/finalise FOI request.
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Awaiting additional documentation to close this FOI request following on from meeting with ONE on the 27th January.
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Additional information received, awaiting final closure meeting before publication.
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Following a meeting on 19th April with ONE a number of clarifications surrounding information provided remain. Further clarification is being sought.
Dear One North East,
Further to request by Nicola Barnett via email 10th May 2010 for clarification on FOI requests that are long overdue and not complete:
FOI response received 22nd February ( provides a revised response.
FOI response received 18th March ( provides a further revised response.
The costs for the responses to date only appear to cover "development" and "hosting" and no costs for example relating to content preparation, data entry etc. are provided.
Please provide a clear and unambiguous response that details complete costs relating to these websites including pro-rata salary conversions where appropriate (eg if a third of a persons time is involved in maintaining content, meetings etc please provide that "cost").
Yours faithfully,
James Burke
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Final FOI response received via email 26th May 2010 -
Dear One North East,
The aim of this note is to provide a summary of the responses to this FOI request.
All information has been provided regarding external development & hosting costs but very little regarding content development, data preparation etc. E.g. “content development” for the website which includes a range of specially commissioned video interviews appears to only have cost £17.99 for the year 2008/09 when the website was initially launched.
Costs for employee and contractor time for content development, project management etc. may come from additional external funding sources (such as ERDF) but this is not currently made clear via this FOI request and responses provided.
As a Section 14(1) refusal notice has been issued and upheld following an internal review by One North East ( it appears that I am unable to seek further clarifications.
Yours faithfully,
James Burke
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Holding statement supplied by One North East as reply to this request: