Website development costs

The request was successful.

Dear Norfolk Constabulary,

To help assist with a study in to cost effectiveness of public sector websites, can you please provide me with:

a) design and development costs to launch (single figure)
b) ongoing hosting, licensing and maintenance costs (per year or other suitable measure)
c) brief overview of server technologies used (e.g. Microsoft .NET, Apache/PHP, etc.)

I fully understand that contractual agreements, tender documents and other materials may be commercial in confidence, but do hope that you can assist
with indication of costs and technology as other forces have done for me already.

Yours faithfully,

Kyle Beale

Freedom Of Information,

Dear Mr Beale,

Our ref 150/10/11

Please accept this email as confirmation that your request for information has been received.

We aim to provide you with a reply to your request by the 27th of July 2010.

Yours sincerely,

Nina Bond
Freedom of Information Research and Decision Making Assistant
Norfolk Constabulary
Jubilee House
Falconers Chase
Tel:  01953 423521   Mob/Fax: 01953 424080
It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper!
            Think… is it really necessary to print this email?


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Freedom Of Information,

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Beale,

Please see the attached PDF document in reply to your request for information.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Kindleysides
Freedom of Information Decision Maker
Freedom of Information Department
Professional Standards
Norfolk Constabulary
Operations and Communications Centre
Falconers Chase
Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 42 4487
Fax: 01953 42 4080

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