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of Charges

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
1. Introduction 
2. Complaints  
3.  Value Added Tax  
4.  Liability for charges  
5.  How we charge you  
6.  How to pay  
7.  Other charging documents  
8.  Household charges  
9.  Non-household charges  
10. Trade effluent charges  
11.  Other charges for meters  
12. Miscellaneous charges  
13. Infrastructure charges  
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Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Definition of terms
In this Scheme, unless the context otherwise requires:
'Act’ means the Water Industry Act 1991 and 
Household’ any building or part of a building 
amendments thereto.
which is occupied as a dwelling house, 
whether or not a private dwelling house, or 
Billing Company’ or any premises is the 
which, if unoccupied, is likely to be so 
company other than Dŵr Cymru Cyfyngedig 
occupied. (As described in Section 219 of the 
that supplies the water service to the premises 
Act). In particular, a house includes a flat but 
and is responsible for collecting the sewerage 
not a caravan or mobile home which is 
charges in respect of those premises on 
temporarily situated.
behalf of Dŵr Cymru Cyfyngedig.
Household purposes’ generally means a 
Company’ means Dŵr Cymru Cyfyngedig, 
supply for drinking, washing, cooking, central 
trading as Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water.
heating and sanitary purposes and is defined 
Connection’ means a connection regulated by 
in Section 218 of the Act.
the Act and other relevant legislation by virtue 
Infrastructure charge’ means a water 
of which the customer receives the benefit of 
infrastructure charge or a sewerage 
the Company's services.
infrastructure charge.
Customer or potential customer’ means a 
Measured charges notice’ means the request 
person either receiving a service from the 
from the Customer to the Company to fix 
Company or who is liable to pay charges in 
charges in respect of the supply by reference 
accordance with the Company's charges 
to the volume of water supplied. (As described 
scheme, or a person who might become such 
in Section 6 of the Water Industry Act 1999). 
a person on making an application to receive 
The Company will accept requests made via 
a service from the Company.
our website or by calling us on 
Domestic sewage’ means the content of 
0800 052 0145.
lavatories, water which has been used for 
Meters’ A ‘screw in’ meter has concentric 
cooking or washing and surface water but 
ports for a single connection to pipework and 
does not include water used for the business 
is the type generally fitted in the Company’s 
of a laundry or for a business of preparing 
standard boundary box. An ‘in line’ meter has 
food or drink for consumption otherwise than 
a pipe connection at both ends.
on the premises (cf Section 117 of the Act).
Non-household’ a premises/customer other 
Fixed term tenancy’ means any tenancy other 
than a household premises/customer. For 
than a periodic tenancy.
definition of household see above.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Non-potable water’ means water not intended 
Redevelopment’ is a site where connections 
to meet the standards of wholesomeness set 
are changed or their use is changed. 
out in regulations made under the Water 
Redevelopment includes, for example, 
Industry Act 1991.
replacement of old houses with new houses, 
alteration of a large house into flats, 
Occupier’ includes, in addition to any person 
combining two or more properties into one, 
in actual occupation of premises, any person 
replacement of a factory with offices, 
extension of a factory or offices, and the 
— Maintains premises used or intended for 
change of a building water supply to a house 
use as a dwelling or as office or commercial 
premises furnished and ready for letting
Renovation’ means any work carried out 
— Maintains any newly constructed or 
within the property which can be anything 
converted premises ready for sale or letting
from painting and decorating to structural 
— Maintains any other premises in a condition 
in which they can be put to use for their 
intended purpose
Service pipe’ means the pipe (or part of the 
pipe) to supply water from the Company's 
— Maintains premises for multiple occupation 
water main to any premises and is defined in 
with shared facilities or as a holiday or 
section 219 of the Act.
student hostel or other accommodation for 
short term occupation or letting.
Single site’ refers to premises within one 
Potable water’ means water intended to meet 
the standards of wholesomeness set out in 
Supply pipe’ means any part of a service pipe 
regulations made under the Water Industry 
which the Company could not be, or have 
Act 1991.
been, required to lay under Sections 45 and 
46 of the Act.
Premises’ mean a permanent building, its 
grounds and appurtenances or any facility for 
Trade effluent’ is any liquid, either with or 
which a supply of water is made available. A 
without particles of matter in suspension 
building includes a house or part of a building 
therein, which is wholly or in part produced  
capable of separate occupation.
in the course of any trade or industry carried 
on at trade premises but does not include 
Rateable Value’ (RV) means the value shown 
domestic sewage and is defined in Section 141 
in the valuation list maintained by a rating 
of the Act.
authority under Part V of the General Rate Act 
1967 on 31 March 1990 and includes rateable 
values which are proposed at that date and 
are subsequently directed to become effective 
from a date on or before 31 March 1990.

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
1. Introduction 
This document is the Company's ‘Charges 
The Company supplies water, sewerage, and 
Scheme’ made under the provisions of the 
trade effluent services to homes, offices, 
Water Industry Act 1991. The charges 
businesses and factories in the area shown on 
contained in this booklet will apply for the 
the map below.
period 1 April  2023 until 31 March 2024.
Where the Company supplies only water 
In accordance with the Company's duty under 
services and another company provides the 
the Act and its Licence (the Instrument of 
sewerage services, the Company’s bill may 
Appointment) as the water and sewerage 
include a sewerage charge on behalf of the 
undertaker for its area, the Company has 
other service provider. In areas where the 
taken steps to ensure that the charges do not 
Company only provides a sewer network and 
unduly discriminate against, or show undue 
another company provides the water service, 
preference, to any class of customers or 
the Company may issue a bill for its sewerage 
potential customers.
service only, or the water provider may include 
the Company’s sewerage charge on its bill 
(dependent on arrangement between the 
Company and the water provider)
Customers who are planning to 
move to a new property can contact 
the Company on 0800 052 0145 
in order to ascertain the basis on 
Water region boundary
which they would pay charges for 
Sewerage region boundary
the property.
The Company produces a  
number of customer information 
publications about the services it 
provides. Details of these can be 
found on our website
Merthyr Tydfil
Llanelli Swansea
Bridgend Newport

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
2. Complaints 
We always aim to get things right first time, 
Water services
every time – but we know that occasionally 
Water Customer Services
things can go wrong. Our preferred method  
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
of dealing with a complaint, is by telephone  
PO Box 3118
as this is the quickest way to get it resolved. 
CF30 0BY
Customers can call us on one of the  
following numbers:
Billing and accounts
Sewerage enquiries
0800 052 0145
Sewerage Customer Services
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Water services and emergencies
PO Box 3118
0800 052 0130
CF30 0BY
Sewerage services and emergencies
0800 085 3968
Business Customer Team (Open Water) 
Business Customer Team  
Business Customer Team
(Open Water customers only)
PO Box 3162
0800 260 5051
CF30 0FD
If you have given us a ring and you still want to 
make a complaint, you can get in touch by
web form, email or letter. To make sure your 
complaint goes to the right team, please use 
one of the addresses below. If you are still 
unhappy with the reply to your complaint, or 
the way your complaint was handled, you can 
write to us and ask for one of our Directors to 
carry out a review. To do this, please contact 
us again using the relevant address below:
Billing and accounts 
Billing Customer Services
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
PO Box 690

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
If we have fully reviewed your complaint  
and you believe we could have done more, 
International Dispute Resolution Centre
you can ask the Consumer Council for 
70 Fleet Street
Water (CCWater) to review your case.  
This is an independent body which 
represents customers’ interests and 
investigates complaints. You can visit  
0207 123 4567
their website, call them 
on 0300 034 3333, or write to them at;
Certain complaints can be referred to Ofwat. 
Consumer Council for Water
These are mentioned in the relevant sections 
23 Stephenson Street,
of this booklet. Their contact details are: 
B2 4BH 
The Water Services Regulation Authority 
The CCWater will normally only investigate 
complaints that have previously been referred 
Centre City Tower
to the Company. When writing to them, 
7 Hill Street
it would be helpful to enclose a copy of  
the response from the Company. 
B5 4UA
If your complaint has been fully reviewed  
0121 644 7500
by us and CCWater, and you remain 
dissatisfied, you can contact WATRS.  
Any correspondence with Ofwat should 
WATRS is a free and independent 
enclose copies of correspondence with  
adjudication service which reviews disputes 
the Company and CCWater.
between customers and companies that 
CCWater have not been able to resolve  
and has reached a state of deadlock.  
Their contact details are below; you can 
make an application on their website or ask 
for an application form to be sent to you.
Information about our complaints procedure is available in our booklet  
'How we handle your complaints and compliments'.  
This can also be found on our website

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
3. Value added tax
4. Liability for charges
VAT will be added to water supply charges 
Water and sewerage charges are payable for 
(including water for construction) to customers 
all premises to which a supply of water or a 
whose industrial activities are defined within 
sewerage service is made available, whether 
divisions 1-5 of the Standard Industrial 
or not such supplies are actually used. 
Classification List 1980 (SIC). VAT will be 
Charges for these services are to be paid by 
charged at the rate prevailing at the time the 
the occupier of a property except where there 
bill is issued. Water supply charges to all other 
is an express agreement between a third party 
customers are zero rated for VAT purposes. 
and the Company to pay the charges. Where 
there is more than one person occupying a 
Sewerage charges are zero rated for VAT 
property then any occupant can be asked by 
purposes unless otherwise stated.
the Company to pay the whole bill if the 
others do not. Where two or more separately 
occupied properties are supplied through one 
meter, charges are to be paid by the person 
identified by the Company as being 
responsible for the meter. It is the 
responsibility of the various occupiers to 
arrange the allocation of the overall bill and 
the collection of the money. 
Generally it is the responsibility of the occupier 
to inform the Company of a change of 
occupancy. From 1 January 2015 the owner of 
a residential property also became 
responsible (under the Water Industry 
(Undertakers Wholly or Mainly in Wales) 
(Information about Non-owner Occupiers) 
Regulations 2014) for informing the Company 
who is occupying their property. Landlords 
must therefore now, having notified the 
tenants that they are providing this 
information and that it will be used by the 
Company for the purposes of all billing 
requirements including debt collection, tracing 
and enforcement (where appropriate), provide 
the Company with: 
— the full names of all adults in occupation
— the dates of birth of all adults in occupation 
(where this information has been provided 
to the owner)
— the date or dates of occupation.

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
This information, together with the landlords' 
The security deposit may be required where 
details, will form part of the Company's 
the Company considers it reasonably 
customer records and may be used for other 
appropriate having regard to the customer’s 
purposes including account administration, 
payment history, credit rating (if any) and 
tariffs, bill payments, improving services and 
financial resources and any other material 
regulatory requirements.
factors relevant to the customer’s ability or 
willingness to pay for services provided. The 
If an owner fails to inform the Company within 
requirement for security or amount held may 
21 days of a customer occupying a property 
be reviewed by the Company or at the request 
the owner becomes jointly and severally liable 
of the customer to reflect changes in the 
for the water and sewerage charges until 
volume of services provided or changes to the 
these details are provided.
credit rating.
The easiest way for owners to provide this 
The Company reserves the right to make 
information is via the Landlord and Tenant 
retrospective charging adjustments in cases of 
Address Portal at
error or fraud.
Alternatively they can contact the Company 
using the contact details below:
Phone: 0800 052 0145
A customer receiving a water and sewerage 
service will continue to be liable for the 
charges in full whilst the premises contains 
furnishings and/or fittings, is being renovated 
or is otherwise occupied. Charges will remain 
as normal unless a request is made to turn off 
the water supply, however, surface water 
drainage charges may still apply.
Charges will be waived where it can be 
demonstrated that the property is unoccupied 
for exceptional reasons (e.g. long term 
The Company reserves the right to require 
non-household customers to provide a 
security deposit in cash or some other form of 
secured funds. The security deposit will be 
equivalent to charges over one billing cycle 
plus three months. Average charges will 
normally be based on actual consumption in 
the previous year or in the case of new 
customers, based on a reasonable estimate of 
charges to be paid in the current year.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
5. How we charge you
2023 at 2022/23 rates and water used on or 
after that date at 2023/24 rates. We have the 
right to meter all non-households, including 
any private supplies which discharge to our 
sewer. The measured charge is made up of 
All properties built since 1 April  2000 are 
three elements:
metered and other properties have a meter 
where they have been requested. For these 
Water supply — based on the water used as 
properties, the measured bill is based on the 
measured by the meter in cubic metres. All 
amount of water used. If you move into a 
water used is chargeable except that used for 
property that is metered you cannot revert to 
firefighting. Water used for fire tests and drills 
paying on an unmeasured basis.
is chargeable unless 7 days written notice of 
use is given to the Company at the postal 
The Company reserves the right to meter a 
address shown in Section 2. 
property, subject to certain conditions, where 
we have evidence that there is a significant 
Sewerage — also based on the water used 
additional use of water. Properties with a 
and measured by the meter. The sewerage 
swimming pool that is automatically 
charge includes a charge for surface water 
replenished or use automated watering 
and highway drainage. This covers the cost  
devices (i.e. not hand held hose pipes) must 
of draining, treating and disposing of 
be metered.
rainwater. If none of your rainwater drains to 
the public sewer then you will be exempt 
Measured bills are based on the actual usage 
from the surface water element of your 
shown on the meter or an estimate if the 
charges. A Surface Water Drainage Rebate 
meter has not been read. The Company aims 
form can be requested on our website 
to read all their own meters at least once a or by calling 0800 052 0145 
year, however in the event that the meter is not 
(0800 260 5051 if you are an Open Water 
read the Company may ask the customer to 
customer). Any rebate will be effected from 
provide a reading where it is safe to do so.
1st April 2018 or the date of occupation if 
Where the Company does not provide the 
later. Where it is evident that surface water 
clean water supply but provides a sewerage 
does not return to the sewer, typically flats in 
only bill based on a measured basis 
a common building, the company may 
calculated from a water meter owned by 
proactively notify customers and adjust their 
Severn Trent Water (ST) or United Utilities 
charges accordingly. While we continue to 
North West Water (UU), the Company will use 
keep under review the option of making 
meter readings provided to them from ST or 
partial rebates to customers who have made 
UU. In the event that a reading is not provided 
efforts to reduce their surface water 
or a reading is not recent, the Company will 
discharges a number of implementation 
estimate the usage or may ask the customer 
issues would need to be addressed before 
to provide a reading where it is safe to do so.  
such a rebate could be offered. For this 
reason the company can presently only offer 
In general terms, the more water you use the 
full rebates. As the Company does not 
higher the bill. Sewerage is normally charged 
charge for surface water drainage by 
on the assumption that 95%  of the water 
reference to area, there is no reduction 
used returns to the sewer. Where a meter bill 
offered for community groups other than the 
spans a period before and after 1 April  2023, 
full rebate.
we will charge for the water used before 1 April 

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
For most customers we assume that almost 
the supply needs to be such that a meter can 
all water returns to the sewer except, for 
be fitted. 
example, that used for cooking or watering  
the garden. Therefore the sewerage element 
Each customer must meet the costs of the 
of the measured bill is calculated at around 
connections or any alterations to pipework.  
95% of the volume of water consumed.
In default, the Company may carry out the 
necessary work and recover the costs. 
Where less than 10m³ of water is consumed 
in any billing period this is fully charged for 
If metering is not practicable, or until a meter 
sewerage purposes. If you are a business and 
is fitted, a charging value or charge may be 
you believe that less than 95% of your water 
assessed by us based on either a Uniform 
returns to the sewer and you can prove this by 
Service Charge or an Assessed Metered 
measurement, you can claim a reduction in 
Charge subject to the necessary information 
your sewerage charges. Application forms for 
being available from the customer. In the case 
a non-return to sewer allowance can be found 
of an unauthorised connection, the Company 
on our website or by calling 
0800 052 0145 (0800 260 5051 if you are 
will pursue all appropriate legal and civil 
an Open Water customer). The effective date 
of any claim is 1 April of the charge year in 
which the claim is received.
Option Metering
Service Charge — calculated on a daily basis 
Household customers, (except household 
and based on the size of the meter. 
tenants with fixed term tenancies of less than 
The service charge goes towards our costs of 
six months, who may require consent in 
reading, maintaining and replacing our water 
accordance  with the terms of the tenancy) 
meter,maintenance of our overall water and 
can request a meter to be fitted to their 
sewerage network including reservoirs, 
supply. Requests to have a meter installed can 
treatment works, pipes, pumping stations etc.
be made on our website or by 
calling us on 0800 052 0145. An easy to use 
online calculator is available on our website to 
Redevelopment of premises
help customers forecast if they would benefit 
Any planning permission granted does not 
from having a meter fitted.
give a right to carry out any work on the public 
sewer network or water main network. 
Following receipt of a measured charges 
Permission to do this must be given by us. 
notice, the Company will fit a meter, free of 
charge, providing it is reasonably practicable 
If any work means redevelopment is taking 
to do so and doing so will not incur 
place for example merging or separating 
unreasonable expense. Unreasonable 
properties or units, merging two houses into 
expense would include the cost of separating 
one, converting two flats into three; each must 
the customer’s shared supply pipe, the cost of 
be constructed with its own separate direct 
substantial alterations to existing plumbing to 
water connection to the water network  
enable the meter to be installed or the cost of 
(which will be metered) and each must have 
additional meters if the customer is served by 
permission to drain into the sewer network. 
more than one supply.
 Our team on 0800 917 2652 can advise 
further as well as on
The Company will fit the meter within 3 
months of receiving the request. If the 
If there is a significant change of use, for 
Company fails to meet this standard the 
example converting a Chapel into a dwelling, 

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
customer will either receive a payment of £20 
use to calculate our assessed measured tariff. 
for each additional month beyond the target 
Water allowances are not given to non-
installation date or will have their standard 
household customers.
unmeasured charges replaced by an 
Assessed Measured Charge lowering their bill 
Household and non-household customers 
until the meter is installed. The payment or 
may be entitled to a sewerage allowance on 
lowering of the bill will not apply when 
the first and subsequent leaks where water 
circumstances beyond the control of the 
lost due to leakage has not returned to the 
Company prevent the meter being installed. 
sewer. Allowances must be applied for within 
The Company’s preferred location for the 
six months of a leak being repaired. No 
meter is normally outside the premises in a 
allowances will be given if the leak has been 
boundary box. The customer may request that 
caused through the carelessness of the 
the meter be fitted in another location 
customer or someone acting on behalf of the 
(providing the Company considers it is 
practicable to do so), however this would incur 
Further details can be found in the 
an additional charge payable by the customer. 
Company’s publications ‘Leakage Code of 
Details of the charge will be given on request. 
Practice’ ’Water Leaks – What you need to 
The charge may not apply to qualifying 
do' and ‘Your Water Meter’. Copies of these 
customers on our Priority Services Register.
publications can be obtained on our 
website or by calling us on 
The customer will be charged on an 
0800 052 0145 (0800 260 5051 if you 
unmeasured basis until the meter is fitted.  
are an Open Water customer). If you have 
The meter remains the property of the 
a query or dispute about any aspect of the 
meter installation you should in the first 
instance contact us on 0800 052 0145 
Non-household customers can also request 
(0800 260 5051 if you are an Open Water 
a meter to be fitted to their supply following 
the process described above. Requests to 
have a meter installed can be made on our 
Measured bills are normally sent to 
website or by calling us on 
households, six monthly, in arrears and are 
0800 052 0145 (0800 260 5051 if you are 
due on demand unless an alternative 
an Open Water Customer). 
payment arrangement has been made with 
the Company. The Company reserves the 
Household customers are awarded a one off 
right to set the billing frequency of non-
allowance against their water charges in 
household customers. In general, however, 
respect of the metered water lost when a leak 
non-household customers will also be billed 
on the customers’ part of the service pipe has 
six monthly, or quarterly where the combined 
been repaired. 
water and sewerage charges exceed £750 Per 
For mixed use premises i.e. non-household 
quarter, or monthly where combined water and 
premises combined with a household, for 
sewerage charges exceed £2,000 per month.
example, a farm supply including the farm 
house or pub with flat above, a water 
allowance will be granted on the household 
Assessed Measured Charge — 
element of the bill only. We calculate the 
allowance for the household element on the 
A household customer may choose the 
basis of the annual consumption figures we 
assessed measured charge (AMC) when it is 

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
not reasonably practicable to fit a meter, or it 
Properties fitted with a domestic fire 
is unreasonably expensive to fit a meter. The 
sprinkler system
AMC is based on the band of the water 
Properties fitted with a domestic fire sprinkler 
charge, the number of occupants and the 
system under the Domestic Fire Safety 
assumption that 95% of the water is 
(Wales) Measure 2011 will be charged on a 
discharged to the sewer. On change of 
measured basis according to the water used. 
occupier we may recalculate the AMC for the 
Water used for firefighting purposes will not be 
new occupiers.
Reverting to unmeasured charges — 
Industrial Tariff
Where customers use a large volume of water 
Any household customer switching to an 
at a single site (50,000 cubic meters/50Ml) 
option meter or AMC may, at any time up to 
and/or the discharge of sewage is 100,000 
one month after the Company has issued bills 
cubic metres (100 Ml) or more per annum 
for 24 months from the date the meter was 
from a single site they may choose one of  
fitted or the assessed measured charge was 
the industrial tariff bands. Each band applies 
applied, make a request to revert back to the 
to all consumption and discharges between  
previous unmeasured basis of charging 
1 April  2023 and 31 March 2024 and 
providing that the customer has not previously 
had a meter fitted or been charged on the 
— A fixed charge for the year
assessed measured charge and the supply 
would not be subject to compulsory metering.
— An annual service charge for each meter 
serving the site based on the size on the 
If a customer moves into an already metered 
property, the company is not obligated to 
— A volumetric charge for all consumption
revert it to an unmeasured basis.
The charge will normally commence from the 
first day of the month in which the application 
Assessed Measured Charge —  
is received and will continue in future years 
unless the customer requests, in writing, in 
When it is not reasonably practicable to fit a 
advance for a change of band.
meter, or it is unreasonably expensive to fit a 
The Company will not accept more than one 
meter the Company may charge on an 
request per calendar month for a change of 
assessed basis. The AMC is based on the 
tariff at any single site.
band of water charge determined by the type 
of business and the assumption that 95% of 
the water is discharged to the sewer. On 
Trade Effluent Tariff
change of occupier the premises will remain 
Traders are permitted to discharge Trade 
on the AMC however the band may be 
effluent directly or indirectly to a public sewer 
reassessed based of the type of business 
subject to a trade effluent consent being 
undertaken by the new occupier.
granted by the Company. A consent will 
specify the quantity and quality conditions 
and that the effluent is sampled regularly to 
ensure compliance with the conditions. 
Charges apply from the date of issue of a 

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Trade effluent consent. Discharges may be 
Uniform service charge (for properties built 
made to sewage treatment works or to a sea 
between 1 April 1990 and 31 March 2000) 
– charges are based on the average rateable 
value of properties in Wales. 
There are two types of effluent charge:
— The standard tariff for discharges below 
Water charges cover the costs of providing 
100Ml per annum
water to the property. 
— The industrial tariff for discharges more 
Sewerage charges cover the cost of removing, 
than 100Ml per annum
treating and disposing of the used water 
including a charge for surface water and 
Trade effluent charges include a fixed charge 
highway drainage. This includes the cost of 
and variable charges that vary with the volume 
draining, treating and disposing of rainwater.  
and sampled strength of the discharged 
If none of your rainwater drains to the public 
sewer then you will be exempt from this 
A domestic sewerage charge which is 
element of your charges. A Surface Water 
calculated, normally, by taking into account 
Drainage Rebate form can be found on our 
facilities present, headcount and number of 
website or can be requested  
days worked is also chargeable and will be 
by calling us on 0800 052 0145. Any rebate 
billed against a separate account along with 
will be effected from 1st April 2018 or the date 
any water charges that are billed by the 
of occupation if later. Where it is evident that 
surface water does not return to the sewer, 
typically flats in a common building, the 
Trade Effluent bills will be sent either Monthly, 
company may proactively notify customers 
Quarterly or Six Monthly in arrears, depending 
and adjust their charges accordingly. 
on the bill frequency assigned to your water 
and/or sewerage charges.  Charges are 
Unmeasured bills are normally sent out in 
payable within 14 days of a bill being sent and 
February/March each year and are payable  
can be paid by Direct Debit, BACS or cheque.
on 1 April, unless an alternative payment 
arrangement has been made with the 
Company. Where the unmeasured charges 
are paid, in full, by 1 April 2023 the Company 
Unmeasured charges will apply if a property 
will discount the annual bill by 1.5%. 
was built before 1 April 2000, has not been 
redeveloped, has not had a change of use, is 
not subject to compulsory metering or is not 
Affordability Assistance Tariffs 
either currently metered or subject to a 
The Company offers a range of 
metered charge (assessed or otherwise). The 
Affordability Assistance Tariffs designed 
charge will not reflect how much water is used. 
to keep bills affordable for low income 
or vulnerable customers. Details of 
There are two ways to calculate unmeasured 
eligibility and how customers can  
apply can be found on our website 
Rateable value charge — a service charge, or 
plus a charge per pound of rateable value for 
by calling  
water and sewerage services. 
us on 0800 052 0145.

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
6. How to pay
Customers may pay online at 
Payment card
(using Direct Debit or a Credit/Debit card)  
Customers paying using a payment card can 
or use the 24 Hour Automated Payment Line 
pay monthly, fortnightly or weekly at a post 
0800 028 5209. Please have your customer 
office or by using a PayPoint outlet.
reference number to hand.
A full list of payment options and where to pay 
is shown below and can also be found on the 
Cash payments
reverse of your bill.
Customers can pay by cash either in full  
or by instalments using the payment stub  
on the bill or payment card at:
Direct debit
— A post office or bank (free at any branch  
Customers can set up a direct debit plan 
of NatWest or the customers own bank)
online at or can contact us on 
0800 052 5604. Direct debits can be paid 
— A PayPoint outlet
annually, bi-annually, monthly or weekly. 
— Local authority offices (only some local 
Metered customers can pay on most days of 
authorities accept payments).
the month if paying monthly, or by a date 
agreed with the customer if paying bi-
Internet/Phone Banking or by BACS
Customers can pay by internet or phone 
Payment will be claimed 14 days after the bill 
banking or BACS direct credit.
is issued which will be determined by the date 
the meter was read. Unmeasured customers 
If you are paying from a UK bank account,  
can pay on most days of the month if paying 
you will need:
monthly, or on 1 April and 1 October if paying 
Sort code: 522107
bi-annually, or 1 April if paying annually.
Account number: 01500007
If you are paying from an account abroad,  
Credit/debit cards
you will need:
IBAN number: 
Customers can pay by using their  
GB51 NWBK 5221 0701 5000 07
debit/credit cards, at any time, either online  
BIC number: NWBK GB 2L
at, or by calling our automated 
payment line on 0800 028 5209.
When you make your payment, please provide 
your 10 or 12 digit customer reference shown 
Customers can pay by using most major 
on any bill or letter we have sent you. This is 
credit/debit cards either in full or by 
how we send your payment to the correct 
instalments when the payment is due.  
water account.
Please have your customer reference  
number to hand.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Water Direct 
Having difficulty paying?
If you receive benefits, paying directly through 
We recognise that our customers can be 
the Department for Work and Pensions could 
affected by circumstances that are sometimes 
reduce your bill by £25 per year.
beyond their control which cause them 
temporary or long term financial difficulty. 
Whatever the situation it is important that 
Payment by instalments
customers, household and non-household, 
Payment by instalments is available to all 
should contact us by calling 0800 052 0145 
household customers and those non-
(0800 260 5051 if you are an Open Water 
household customers who do not pay VAT on 
the charges and are not in arrears at the time 
of the request. Failure to pay any instalment 
We may be able to arrange for payments to 
by the due date will result in the instalment 
be made weekly, fortnightly or by monthly 
plan being withdrawn without notice and the 
instalments. We may also be able to reduce 
balance of the outstanding charges becoming 
customers‘ charges if their household is 
due and payable immediately.
eligible for one of the Affordability Assistance 
Tariffs, details of which, can be found on our 
Details of payment options and where to pay 
can also be found on the reverse of your bill.
We also operate a Customer Assistance Debt 
Support Fund that can offer financial 
assistance for household customers who meet 
the qualification criteria and have arrears.
For more information customers can visit  
our website or call us on  
0800 052 0145.
We would also encourage all customers who 
are struggling  with debt, or low incomes to 
consider contacting a free debt advice 
company. These organisations can help 
ensure customers maximise their budget and 
benefits and negotiate with creditors. If 
customers want independent advice, they can 
contact a local advice agency such as:

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
National Debtline
Freephone: 0808 808 4000
Step Change
Freephone: 0800 138 1111
Citizens Advice
Check your local yellow pages  
or Thomson local directory for  
addresses and telephone numbers
Civil Legal Advice
Telephone: 0345 345 4345
Shelter Cymru
Telephone: 0845 075 5005
Whatever the situation, it’s important that 
customers contact the Company right away. 
Customers entering into any formal 
insolvency procedure
Where a Customer enters into any formal 
insolvency procedure the Company will 
apportion any charges on a daily basis up to 
the date immediately before the date the 
relevant insolvency procedure becomes 
effective ('the insolvency date'). Any 
apportioned charges after the insolvency date 
will be payable by the occupier of the property 
in question and apply from the next day of 
occupation after the insolvency date. Any such 
apportioned charges will not fall within the 
insolvency procedure. The charges will be 
payable by the occupier on the same 
payment terms as would apply if the property 
had been newly connected on that day.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
7. Other charging schedules
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water also publishes the 
following additional charging schedules:
Wholesale Charges Document 
Charges for eligible premises that could be 
supplied with water by a restricted retail 
Developer Services Schedule of Charges
Charges for new connections and other 
activities to support Developers.
Charging Information for New Appointments 
and Variations (NAVs)
Bulk supply charging methodology and other 
relevant charges for NAVs.

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
8. Household charges
Standard unmeasured charges
Unmeasured water services
Standing Charge
RV based charge – per poundage of RV
Uniform Service Charge
Unmeasured sewerage services
Standing Charge
Standing Charge – Foul only
RV based charge – per poundage of RV
Uniform Service Charge
Uniform Service Charge – Foul only
Surface Water only – includes highway drainage
(For properties with a rateable value of £25 or less, no charge will be made)
Standard measured charges
Water (£)
Sewerage (£)
Standard volumetric rate per cubic metre
Sewerage volumetric rate – Foul only per cubic metre
Service Charge
Water (£)
Sewerage (£)
Sewerage – Foul only (£)
Below 30mm

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Assessed measured charges
Band A – Average use 
Band B – Low use 
Based on loading units/appliances  
Based on loading units/appliances  
in property
in property
Annual charge  
Annual charge  
No of occupants
3 and above
Band A – Average use 
Band B – Low use 
Based on loading units/appliances  
Based on loading units/appliances  
in property
in property
Annual charge  
Annual charge  
Annual charge  
Annual charge  
No of occupants
Full (£)
Foul only (£)
Full (£)
Foul only (£)
3 and above
Affordability Assistance Tariffs
Further information on customer eligibility can be found at
Water (£)
Sewerage (£)
Annual charge (for existing HelpU customers at 31st July 2020, not 
available to new customers)
Annual charge (available to new applications from 1st August 2020)
WaterSure Wales
Water (£)
Sewerage (£)
Annual charge
WaterSure Wales AMC
Water (£)
Sewerage (£)
Annual charge
Welsh Water Assist – Transition for Sewerage only Customers
Sewerage (£)
Annual charge
Note: This is the transition tariff for customers eligible for and paying only the sewerage annual charge of the Welsh Water Assist  
– Transition charge. It is not available for customers previously paying either the combined water and sewerage Welsh Water Assist  
– Transition annual charge or the Welsh Water Assist – Unmeasured Transition annual charge.

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
9. Non-household charges
Standard unmeasured charges
Unmeasured water services
Standing Charge
RV based charge – per poundage of RV
Uniform Service Charge
Unmeasured sewerage services
Standing Charge
Standing Charge – Foul only
RV based charge – per poundage of RV
Uniform Service Charge
Uniform Service Charge – Foul only
Surface Water only – includes highway drainage
(for properties with a rateable value of £25 or less, no charge will be made)
Standard measured charges
Water (£)
Sewerage (£)
Standard volumetric rate per cubic metre
Sewerage volumetric rate – Foul only per cubic metre
Service Charge
Water (£)
Sewerage (£)
Sewerage – Foul only (£)
Up to 20mm
200mm and over

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Assessed measured charges
Assessed Consumption
Annual charge
(based on type of business)
Band 1
Less than 500
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Assessed Consumption
Annual charge
Annual charge
(based on type of business)
Full (£)
Foul only (£)
Band 1
Less than 500
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Industrial tariffs 
Potable water
Indicative consumption
Fixed charge Volumetric charge
50 - 99
100 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
A Standard measured service charge will be payable on all meters
Non-potable water
Indicative consumption
Fixed charge Volumetric charge 
A Partially Treated
A Raw
B Partially Treated 
B Raw 
(For discharged sewage > 100,000 cubic metres per year)
Fixed charge
Fixed charge foul only
Volumetric charge – Full service per cubic metre
Volumetric charge – Foul only service per cubic metre

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
10. Trade effluent charges
New application for consent to discharge trade effluent (zero rated for VAT)
Revision of existing consent at customer’s request (zero rated for VAT)
Trade effluent charges include a fixed charge 
Company’s assessment of the site’s facilities 
and variable charges that vary with the volume 
which use water); the total number of 
and sampled strength of the discharged 
employees working at the site; and the number 
of days the site operates annually. This will be 
billed against a separate account along with 
Bills  will be sent either Monthly, Quarterly or 
any water charges that are billed by the 
Six Monthly in arrears, depending on the 
average monthly charge. Charges are payable 
within 14 days of a bill being sent and can be 
paid by Direct Debit, BACS or cheque.
Discharge Type
COD mg/l
Solids mg/l
In addition to the trade effluent charge, a 
domestic sewerage charge will be payable. 
Car washes
This is calculated, normally, by applying a 
numerical value to each of the following and 
multiplying them: the facilities present (the 
Swimming Pools
numerical value used is dependent on the 
Company’s assessment of the site’s facilities 
which use water); the total number of 
employees working at the site; and the number 
of days the site operates annually.  It is the 
responsibility of the customer to notify us of 
any changes to these details Where the 
customer claims that the volume of effluent 
discharged is less than the volume of water 
supplied and the Company agrees this, the 
adjustment to charges will take effect from the 
start of the billing period in which the claim is 
made. Alternatively, charges may be calculated 
using flow data supplied by the customer when 
so agreed by the Company. Unless 
circumstances dictate otherwise the following 
sample strength may be used for charging 

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Discharge to sewage treatment works
Formula is either:
C = R + V + S St
(discharge to primary treatment only)
C = R + V + Vb + B Ot + S St
(discharge to full secondary treatment only)
C = charge/m3 of effluent
Ot = settled COD of the effluent in mg/l
R  = sewerage costs/m3
Os = settled COD of domestic sewage – 500mg/l
V  = primary settlement treatment costs/m3
S  = sludge treatment costs/m3
Vb = secondary volume-related treatment costs/m3
St = suspended solids of the effluent in mg/l
B  = secondary strength-related treatment costs/m3
Ss = suspended solids in domestic sewage – 350mg/l
Discharge to sea outfalls 
For traders discharging to long sea outfalls
C =
R +
For traders discharging to all other outfalls
C =
C =
R +
C = charge/m3
R  = sewerage costs/m3
M = marine treatment costs/m3
Vm = pumping, preliminary treatment costs/m3

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Standard tariff
Trade Effluent Fixed Charge 
The standard unit charges per cubic metre are:
The average cost for receiving a cubic metre of foul water into the sewer,  
including conveyance to the treatment works or outfall
The average cost for preliminary and primary treatment
The average cost for the pumping and settlement elements of biological treatment
The average cost of biological treatment, excluding pumping and settlement
The average cost of treatment and disposal of primary sludge at the Company’s 
larger sewage treatment works
The average cost of pumping, preliminary treatment and discharge through outfalls
Industrial tariff
Customers may choose this tariff where the discharge of trade effluent from a single site is 100Ml  
or more per annum.
Fixed Charge 
The average cost for receiving a cubic metre of foul water into the sewer,  
including conveyance to the treatment works or outfall
The average cost for preliminary and primary treatment
The average cost for the pumping and settlement elements of biological treatment
The average cost of biological treatment, excluding pumping and settlement
The average cost of treatment and disposal of primary sludge at the Company’s 
larger sewage treatment works
The average cost of pumping, preliminary treatment and discharge through outfalls

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Excess licence charge
Use of outfall
A limited number of discharges contain 
Charge for use of Welsh Water sea outfall 
complex organic substances in such 
where customer holds their own NRW 
concentration that Natural Resources Wales or 
discharge consent and discharges treated 
Environment Agency consider it necessary to 
effluent directly into our outfall. 
control them by including concentration limits 
in discharge consents. Effluents with such 
Fixed Charge (£)
limits attract a higher licence fee than normal 
Where the increase in this fee is attributable 
Volumetric Charge per m3 (£)
to an individual trade effluent or effluents that 
are consented to discharge these substances 
the additional fee will be added to the trade 
Any dispute regarding the discharge  
effluent charge of the discharger.
of trade effluent may be referred to the  
Water Services Regulation Authority  
(Ofwat) at the address shown on page 7.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
11. Other charges for meters
Temporary Installation of a Data Logger to Detect Suspected Leakage
Installation of a temporary data logger — available for meters 15-50mm 
A logger which measures demand in 1 minute intervals, may help customers to identify  
if there are any leaks on the supply. The charge will be refunded in the event excessive 
consumption is due to leakage from Dŵr Cymru’s pipes. This service delivers data  
at the end of a two week period.
Installation of a temporary data logger abortive visit
Price on application + VAT
Company Data Logging Equipment
Access to online data from Company data logging equipment installed 
£22.27 + VAT 
at customers site
Charge applies per creation of a user profile.
Printed copies of Company data logging information for customer site
£ 22.27 + VAT 
Charge applies per copy of data logging information.
Testing — Household (charges inclusive of VAT)
Meter removed for testing
Reasonable expenses 
Invoice will be issued to customer in the event the test results show 
up to a maximum of 
meter is recording within permitted parameters. If the meter is found 
to be faulty then there will be no charge for the test.
Testing — Non-household
If the meter is found to be faulty then there will be no charge  
Price on application + VAT
for the test otherwise the charge will be as per ‘Change of Meter’ 
(see table opposite) plus the actual cost of the meter test. 
Extraordinary meter reading charges
In accordance with our Code of Practice for Meter Reading, we reserve the right to recover  
any additional meter reading costs incurred as a result of persistent unreasonable customer behaviour.  
These include but are not limited to the following:
Notice of Entry/Warrant of Entry
Price on application + VAT
Other legal or specialist costs
Price on application + VAT
Meter read requested by retailer or customer
£43.33 + VAT
Abortive visit
£43.33 + VAT

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Change of meter
Where the Company is able to fit a new ‘screw in’ meter in the existing boundary box without further work the 
charge is £90.42, otherwise the charge made is shown in the table below. (If the meter no longer records flow 
correctly, it will be replaced free of charge). If the work is completed out of normal working hours we may apply 
additional costs.
Size of meter being installed
Charge (£) without excavation + VAT
Charge (£) with excavation + VAT
Up to 25mm
Above 200mm
 Actual Cost 
 Actual Cost 
Moving a water meter
We only consider relocating meters in certain circumstances. For example if you are having work done in your 
home which will affect its current location or you are on our Priority Services and moving the meter to another 
location inside your home will make it easier for you to read – even then we may offer you an alternative.  
If you are not on our Priority Services we will not move an outside meter to inside a property. Please submit 
your request and reason  to us on or call us on 0800 052 0140.
Charge (£)+VAT
If we do not need to dig because there is an outside boundary box that will take a screw-in meter
If we need to dig to refurbish or install a new boundary box the charge is
Our water meters and stop taps are mostly located at the end of a property’s private supply pipe at the 
nearest point to our mai.n 
We do not usually move our  apparatus closer to  or within a property’s boundary, or onto private pipework.
Removed meter
If a meter has been removed without our permission or knowledge and we have to install a new one the 
charges are as follows
Charge (£)+VAT
If we do not need to dig because there is already an outside boundary box that  
will take a screw-in Charge is
If we need to dig to refurbish or install a new boundary box the charge is
or installing a new inside property meter is

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
12. Miscellaneous charges
Charges are payable in advance unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise stated  
'price on application' can be requested by calling 0800 052 0130  
(0800 260 5051 is you are an Open Water customer).
Additional Information
Temporary Disconnection
Surface Water drainage charge may still apply.  
Price on application 
It may not be possible to temporarily disconnect  
a joint supply
Reconnection following 
Price on application
temporary disconnection
Disconnection — permanent
Requests in writing from the property owner to 
Price on application 
Billing and Accounts or email us at
Reconnection — following 
Apply at Rates are in ‘Developer 
New connection 
permanent disconnection.
Services Schedule of Rates’
charges will apply
Disconnection — non-payment 
Price on application
of charges.
Reconnection — following 
Price on application
payment of unpaid charges 
Abortive visit charge  
We cannot disconnect household only premises for 
Price on application
(for all of the above).
non-payment of charges. The charge will cover the 
costs incurred for disconnection and reconnection. 
We may require a security deposit from non-
household customers (i.e. one billing cycle + 
3months charges).
Ships Water 
(customer will be invoiced, Zero Rated VAT with exceptions – see page 3 item 8)
Charge (£)
Standard volumetric rate per cubic metre
Service charge per hour
Emergency planning services – provision of water
Charge (£)
Provision of water using emergency tankers, bowsers and pallets if 
Price on application + VAT
available for use. Abortive visits will be charged at reasonable cost.

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Standpipes are not available to hire at our local depots. The hire of a standpipe will be from our 
appointed agent. The hire of a standpipe is restricted for certain use. Only standpipes hired from 
our appointed agent, with our consent, are allowed to be used on our network. All standpipes are 
metered and VAT will be added. For full details go to
Standpipes for use in building construction
The hire of a standpipe may not be granted. We may require you to obtain connection  
onto our network which will be metered.
Existing property or land with a water supply
The hire of a standpipe may not be granted. We may fit a meter to an existing supply when  
a property or land becomes unoccupied or unused, undergoes alteration or renovation.  
Please contact us at
Existing property or land without a water supply
The hire of a standpipe may not be granted. We may require you to obtain connection  
onto our network, which will be metered. Please contact our Developer Services at
Major building sites and civil engineering works
The hire of a standpipe may not be granted. We may require you to obtain connection  
onto our network which will be metered.
Fire hydrants
Install hydrant
On new main (80-200mm diameter)
Install hydrant
On existing main (80-200mm diameter)
Install marker post/plate
Remove marker post/plate
Remove hydrant
From existing main (80-200mm diameter)
Repair hydrant
Category 1 (e.g. lid and frame)
Repair hydrant
Category 2a (e.g. lid, frame and chamber piece)
Repair hydrant
Category 2b (e.g. lid, frame, repack, rewasher)
Repair hydrant
Category 3 (replace hydrant complete)

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Repairs to Company apparatus
All repairs to Company water or sewer network apparatus, caused by third party damage,  
will be charged at reasonable cost.
Water fittings inspections
The carrying out of an inspection to ascertain whether any provision contained in or made  
or having effect under the water Industry Act 1991 with respect to any water fittings  
or with respect to the waste or misuse of water is being or has been contravened.
Initial inspection and first follow up 
No charge
Repeat inspections
100.74 + VAT
Abortive visit
After an initial Water Fittings Regulations inspection where the Company has found 
contraventions, a programme of work and a timescale for completion will be agreed with the 
customer. Where the action agreed is not undertaken and additional visits are required to ensure 
compliance, an hourly charge will be applied to cover the cost of additional visits.
New water connection rectification work
All repairs, rectification or remedial work carried out by the Company on a water or sewerage 
connection installed in an unacceptable condition will be re-charged.
Rectification charges
Additional Comments
Abortive visit
Maximum charge
New Connection Quality Inspection
First visit
No charge
New Connection Quality Inspection
Cost per additional visit
Abortive inspection 
Maximum charge
Remedial work
Price on application

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Disposal of cesspit, septic tank and tankered waste1
Fixed charge per load £9.84  
Suspended Solids
Additional Comments
Charge (£)
0 – 2,000 mg/l
Subject to a minimum charge based on a load of  
4.5 cubic metres (approximately 1,000 gallons) Charge 
is per cubic metre
2,001 – 20,000 mg/Ll
Charge is per cubic metre
Greater than 20,000 mg/l
Charge is per cubic metre
1  The Company does not provide a sewerage service for the collection of domestic septic tank or cesspit waste. The cesspit charge will be 
limited to sewerage works that have a permanent manned presence. Details of these sites can be obtained from our Sewerage Services 
department, please telephone 0800 085 3968.
2 The Company reserves the right to refuse waste which is found to have suspended solids in excess of 20,000 mg/l.
Other charges
Additional Comments
Charge (£)
Charge will be invoiced following the incident.
Price on 
application + 
For each cheque. Charge will be invoiced following each 
20.00 (outside 
scope of VAT)
Information and  
Standard charge for any routine information not provided free 
6.60 + VAT
copy documents
of charge. Other enquiries will be charged at cost. Information 
requested under the Environmental Information Regulations will 
be charged in accordance with our EIR charging policy  
(available at
Copy billing stationery
Per bill or similar document. Normally waived for first request.
6.60 + VAT

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
13. Infrastructure charges 
The infrastructure charges for a supply for domestic purposes are payable under Section 146 of 
the Act and Licence Condition C (as modified) of the Company’s Instrument of Appointment.
When new connections are made there is an increased burden on both the water and sewerage 
systems that can ultimately require work to be carried out. Therefore, in addition to any water or 
sewerage connection charge and/or requisition charge, there is also an infrastructure charge for a 
new water connection and an infrastructure charge for a new sewerage connection. 
Infrastructure charges will be due upon connection of the water supply. Charges will be applicable 
for each service provided; where water and sewerage connections are provided both infrastructure 
charges will be due at this stage. If sewerage services are not being provided to a property, then 
no sewerage infrastructure charges will be due.
These charges may also be payable where a site has been redeveloped and the redevelopment 
results in a greater demand from the site than in the previous 5 years. These charges are 
normally billed at the same time as the connection charge. Infrastructure charges are outside the 
scope of VAT.
Single property domestic connections with a diameter of 25mm, or where a larger connection is 
required for a combined domestic fire sprinkler system, will be charged one standard 
infrastructure charge per property.
Additional Comments
Charge (£)
Infrastructure charge
Infrastructure charge
Relevant Multipliers
The charge for flat developments with an individual meter will be 1 standard charge per flat.
Charges for flat developments served by a bulk metered supply and for non-households are 
calculated by multiplying the above standard charge by the relevant multiplier. The relevant 
multiplier is calculated using the total loading units for all water fittings in the premises supplied 
and dividing by 24. The resulting number or 1 (whichever is greater) is the relevant multiplier. 
Charges for  
Credit Available if Abandoned 
New Connections
< 5 Years
Type of Property
Type of Use
Relevant Multiplier
Relevant Multiplier
Based on loading units
Based on previous usage

Scheme of Charges 2023-24
Loading units 
Where a property had domestic usage but a connection size greater than 25mm, or a 32mm 
combined domestic fire sprinkler connection loading units are used to determine the Relevant 
Multiplier by reference to the following table and notes.
Water fitting
Loading Units
Water fitting
Loading Units
WC Flushing Cistern
Spray tap
Wash basin in a house
Wash basin elsewhere
Domestic appliance  
(subject to a minimum of six loading 
Bath with nominal size 20mm taps
units per house)
Bath with taps larger than 20mm
Communal or commercial appliance
Any other water fitting or outlet 
(including a tap but excluding  
Sink with nominal 15mm taps
a urinal or water softener)
Sink with taps larger than 15mm
Infrastructure charge credits
Where a site is a redevelopment and the Company has provided services to that site within  
5 years prior to the first new permanent connection of the new development, the total amount  
of water infrastructure charges for the site may be reduced. 
The number of domestic households that existed and had a water connection on the site within 
the 5 year period, or in the case of non-household premises which have been metered, the 
number of credits due based on the average water usage of the previous development within the 
5 year period, is deducted from the total of the relevant multipliers for the connections resulting 
from the new development.
The revised total multiplied by the standard charge gives the total water infrastructure charge  
for the site. A similar reduction is made in respect of sewerage connections previously serving  
the site. 
If there is a dispute concerning the relevant multiplier calculated for a development between  
the Company and the person on whom any infrastructure charge has been levied, the matter 
may be referred to the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) at the address on page 7.
Notes: 1. References to any fitting includes reference to any plumbing, outlet, dedicated space or planning or other provision for that fitting. 
2. A bath includes a whirlpool bath and a Jacuzzi. 3. Domestic appliance means an appliance (including a dishwasher, washing machine 
and waste disposal unit) in a house. 4. Communal or commercial appliance means an appliance (including a dishwasher, washing 
machine and a waste disposal unit) elsewhere than in a house (including communal facilities).