Requests similar to 'Water Cycle Report - 2024' (page 20)

Brexit Party
Response by East Devon District Council to Jenna Corderoy on .


Thank you for submitting a request for information. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within the 20 working day statutory deadlin...
Parking Spaces
Response by East Devon District Council to Emma on .

Partially successful

Dear Emma-Leigh Hull,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. Please see our response below:   I would like to know.. 1. How many Blue Badge holders...
Dear Mr Caswell,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The information you have requested can be searched and retrieved from our planning portal on ou...
Fraud employees
Response by East Devon District Council to Gurpreet on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Kaur,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry.   Could you please disclose how many employees have been suspended over allegations of fraud i...
Debt Collection
Response by East Devon District Council to Tom on .


Dear Mr Goodwin,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. Please find our response below.   1) Who is the person responsible for council tax, business...
Dear Mr Patrick, Thank you for your request for information. Please find the response to your query below. 1. Are you currently in a partnership w...
Dear Mr Griffiths,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry.   • How many planning permission requests were received last year? – See below • How man...
Information on proposed A30 Monkton bypass
Response by East Devon District Council to Julie Handy on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Handy,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. This information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your request to Devo...
Organisational Structure Chart
Response by East Devon District Council to Sarah Williams on .

Information not held

Ms Williams,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your request...
Dear Mr Talbot,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You may wish to refer your reques...
Dear Mr Casswell,   The requested information is not held by the District Council. You may need to refer your request to Devon County Council or t...
Care homes and the coronavirus
Response by East Devon District Council to Jack Everett on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Everett,   Thank you for your email. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your request to...
Safeguarding referrals received
Response by East Devon District Council to Michael Carroll-Owen on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Carroll-Owen,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your...
Safeguarding referrals received
Response by East Devon District Council to Michael Carroll-Owen on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Carroll-Owen,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your...
Safeguarding referrals received
Response by East Devon District Council to Michael Carroll-Owen on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Carroll-Owen,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your...
FOI request school patrol officers
Response by East Devon District Council to Jon Parker-Dean on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Parker-Dean,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your...
Care Quality Commission
Response by East Devon District Council to Jenna Corderoy on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Corderoy,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will need to refer your req...
Debt Collection
Response by East Devon District Council to Tom on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Mr Goodwin,   Thank you for your FOI request. This is a duplicate of request 715002-302e3ba9, therefore we will not be responding to this one...
Arrangements for independent advocacy
Response by East Devon District Council to Kate Mercer Training on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Huijbers,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council.   I hope my reply has been...
Dear Mr Davies,   Thank you for your enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You may need to refer this request to...
Looked After Children

Information not held

Dear Mr Johnsen,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by the District Council. You may wish to refer your reque...
Dear Mr Metcalfe,   Thank you for your enquiry. You sent in 2 FOIs for essentially the same information. Your references are [1][FOI #751755 emai...
China visits
Response by East Devon District Council to Dean Kirby on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Kirby,   Thank you for your FOI enquiry. You asked from 1 January 2017 to the day of our response for information on the number of trips t...
Dear Mr Chait,   Thank you for your enquiry. We hope to update our website by the 17^th July with the most recent data set for businesses. Normall...
Auction of Council Furniture Chattels, etc
Response by East Devon District Council to ronmetcalfe on .

Partially successful

Mr Metcalfe Thank you for your request for information. Please find the response to your query below. "Recently an email from a Conservative councill...