Dear Mr Hobbs
Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.
We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within t...
Dear Mr Tony
Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.
We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within th...
Dear Mr Edwards
Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.
We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within...
Dear Mr Barker
Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.
We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within...
Dear Ms Caroline
Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.
We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, withi...
Dear Mr Lacey,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry however it does not fall within the
parameters of Freedom of Information legislation. You are asking a...
Dear [Name Removed]
Thank you for your FOI enquiry. This is in fact a duplicate of your
previous request under reference [1][email address]
Good afternoon
Thank you for your request. This information is not held by East Devon
District Council. You may wish to refer your request to Devon...
Dear Ms Peers,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry however we have not found any demolition
surveys for Normans Cash and Carry which was located on Stati...
Dear Sam,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry however the requested information is not
held by the District Council. You will need to refer your request...
Dear Naomi,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry, however EDDC does not hold the information
you have requested. This information is held by South West Wa...
Dear Mr Modica,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry.
All External Audit reports (Grant Thornton) are presented to the A&G
Committee and published as pa...
Dear Mr Field,
Thank you for your enquiry.
For what reason were refuse collectors photographing the exterior of
residential properties in the Seat...
Dear Ms Aharony,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is not held by
the District Council. You will need to forward your reques...
Dear Mr Rayfield,
Thank you for your enquiry.
For what reason were teams of refuse collectors/recyclers, taking
photographs of the exterior of res...
Dear Mr Burger,
The requested information is not held by the District Council. You will
need to refer your request to Devon County Council as the au...
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry. Our PSPOs are published online at
[1]Public spaces protection orders (PSPOs) - East Devon
As this in...
Dear Mr Bell,
Below are the links which have the PSPO maps relating to all 3 PSPO’s in
East Devon
1. Exmouth ASB PSPO
[1]Control of Anti-Social...
Dear Mr Bell,
Below are the links which have the PSPO maps relating to all 3 PSPO’s in
East Devon
1. Exmouth ASB PSPO
[1]Control of Anti-Social...
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your enquiry. Please see our response below.
I hope this information is helpful but, if you feel dissatisfied with the
Dear Mr Roberts
Thank for submitting your Freedom of Information request.
We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within th...
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your enquiry. Please see our response attached.
I hope this information is helpful but, if you feel dissatis...
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry. Please see our response below.
The local authority guidance issued in December 2021 requir...
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your FOI enquiry. The requested information is available on
our website and is updated on a quarterly basis at
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find the response to
your query below.
The requested information is av...