Waste Enforcement Statistics 2019 (West Midlands)

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Bobby Lightfoot, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Fly Tipping

1. What is the full and discounted price for a fly-tipping (S33 EPA 1990) FPN?
2. How many FPNs issued under s33 EPA 1990 for fly-tipping?
3. How many FPN paid for fly-tipping? (Could you break the figure down into full payment and discounted payment. (I do not want the revenue, just figures)
4. how many prosecutions undertaken for fly-tipping

Business Duty of Care

1. What is the full and discounted price for a failure to provide transfer notes (S34 EPA 1990) FPN?
2. How many business duty of care inspections did you complete?
3. How many notices issued under s34 EPA 1990 to businesses asking them to produce waste transfer notes.
4. How many FPNs issued under s34 EPA 1990 for failing to provide waste transfer notes?
5. How many FPN paid for failing to provide waste transfer notes? (Could you break the figure down into full payment and discounted payment. (I do not want the revenue, just figures)
6. How many prosecutions undertaken for failing to provide waste transfer notes?

Commercial Waste

1. What is the full and discounted price for a failure to comply with s47 EPA 1990 notice FPN?
2. How many notices issued to businesses under s47 EPA 1990 - Commercial Waste Receptacles?
3. How many FPNs issued to businesses for failing to comply with a s47 EPA 1990 notice?
4. How many FPN paid for failing to comply with a s47 notice? (Could you break the figure down into full payment and discounted payment. (I do not want the revenue, just figures)
5. How many prosecutions undertaken for failing to comply with a section 47 EPA 1990 notice.

Household Duty of Care

1. What is the full and discounted price for a household duty of care (s34 2A EPA 1990) FPN?
2. How many FPNs issued under s34 2A for householder duty of care?
3. How many FPN paid for s34 2A household duty of care? (Could you break the figure down into full payment and discounted payment. (I do not want the revenue, just figures)
4. How many prosecutions undertaken for householder duty of care?

Waste Carrier

1. What is the full and discounted price for a failure to produce a waste carrier licence (s.5C(3) Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989) FPN?
2. How many FPNs issued under for failing to produce a Waste Carrier Licence?
3. How many FPN paid for failing to produce a waste carrier licence? (Could you break the figure down into full payment and discounted payment. (I do not want the revenue, just figures)
4. How many prosecutions undertaken for failing to produce a waste carrier licence?

1. What is the full and discounted price for a failure to produce waste transfer notes as a waste carrier (s.73A EPA 1990) FPN?
2. How many FPNs issued under for failing to produce Waste Transfer Notes as a Waste Carrier?
3. How many FPN paid for failing to produce waste transfer notes as a waste carrier? (Could you break the figure down into full payment and discounted payment. (I do not want the revenue, just figures)
4. How many prosecutions undertaken for failing to produce Waste Transfer Notes as a Waste Carrier?

PACE Interview

1. How many doorstep interviews did the authority complete?
2. How many recorded interviews did the authority complete?
3. How many section 108 notices did the authority issue?
4. How many of the issued section 108 notices were breached?

Yours faithfully,

Bobby Lightfoot

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lightfoot


Request for Information RFI-1075-20


Thank you for your request for information relating to Waste Enforcement
Statistics 2019 which was received on 03 February 2020.


In accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
the council will respond to your request within 20 working days, saying
whether we have the information that you want, and if there will be any


If, for any reason, we cannot provide you with the information, we will
tell you why.

If we need to clarify your request, we will contact you again.


In the meantime, if you need to contact me about your request, please do
so quoting the above reference number.


Yours sincerely,

Fakhara Qanwal



Assurance Team, Resources and Transformation

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Civic Centre,

Darwall Street,

Walsall, WS1 1DG

Tel: 0800 0856 018

Email: [Walsall Council request email]

Service area: [1]walsall.gov.uk/ Information Governance and Assurance

Website:  [2]www.walsall.gov.uk



WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR. The information in this message
should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only
unless explicitly stated.  If you have received this message in error it
must be deleted and the sender notified.  The views expressed in this
message are personal and not necessarily those of Walsall MBC unless
explicitly stated.  E-mails sent or received from Walsall MBC may be
intercepted and read by the Council.  Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with Council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or detect crime. You should also be aware that any
email may be the subject of a request under Data Protection, Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information legislation and therefore could
be disclosed to third parties.


E-mail Security: Communication by internet email is not secure as
messages can be intercepted and read by someone else. Therefore we
strongly advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to
unrelated third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you
have an enquiry of this nature please provide a postal address to allow us
to communicate with you in a more secure way. If you want us to respond by
email you must realise that there can be no guarantee of privacy.




Visible links
1. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
2. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lightfoot


Request for information: RFI-1075-20 Waste Enforcement Statistics 2019

Further to your request for information about waste enforcement statistics
2019, I write to ask for clarification of some aspect of your request.

Could you please clarify if the PACE interviews relate just to the matters
in the questions or wider.

The Freedom of information Act 2000 and Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 allow the council 20 working days in which to respond to
information requests.  However, the “clock” stops when we need to seek
clarification in order to locate or identify relevant information.  Once
we have received the requested clarification, I will proceed with your

If you wish to proceed with this request please send your clarification to
me, quoting the above reference number and using the contact details below

If we do not hear from you within the next 15 working days, we will assume
that the information is no longer required. If you have any further
queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Sincerely

Anne Perks



Assurance Team, Resources and Transformation

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Civic Centre,

Darwall Street,

Walsall, WS1 1DG

Tel: 0800 0856 018

Email: [Walsall Council request email]

Service area: [1]walsall.gov.uk/ Information Governance and Assurance

Website:  [2]www.walsall.gov.uk



WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR. The information in this message
should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only
unless explicitly stated.  If you have received this message in error it
must be deleted and the sender notified.  The views expressed in this
message are personal and not necessarily those of Walsall MBC unless
explicitly stated.  E-mails sent or received from Walsall MBC may be
intercepted and read by the Council.  Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with Council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or detect crime. You should also be aware that any
email may be the subject of a request under Data Protection, Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information legislation and therefore could
be disclosed to third parties.


E-mail Security: Communication by internet email is not secure as
messages can be intercepted and read by someone else. Therefore we
strongly advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to
unrelated third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you
have an enquiry of this nature please provide a postal address to allow us
to communicate with you in a more secure way. If you want us to respond by
email you must realise that there can be no guarantee of privacy.



Visible links
1. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
2. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lightfoot


Request for information: RFI-1075-20 Waste Enforcement Statistics 2019

Further to your request for information about waste enforcement statistics
2019, I write to ask for clarification of some aspect of your request.

Could you please clarify if you are seeking information for 2019 calendar
year or financial year 1/4/19 - current.

The Freedom of information Act 2000 and Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 allow the council 20 working days in which to respond to
information requests.  However, the “clock” stops when we need to seek
clarification in order to locate or identify relevant information.  Once
we have received the requested clarification, I will proceed with your

If you wish to proceed with this request please send your clarification to
me, quoting the above reference number and using the contact details below

If we do not hear from you within the next 15 working days, we will assume
that the information is no longer required. If you have any further
queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Sincerely

Anne Perks



Assurance Team, Resources and Transformation

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Civic Centre,

Darwall Street,

Walsall, WS1 1DG

Tel: 0800 0856 018

Email: [Walsall Council request email]

Service area: [1]walsall.gov.uk/ Information Governance and Assurance

Website:  [2]www.walsall.gov.uk



WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR. The information in this message
should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only
unless explicitly stated.  If you have received this message in error it
must be deleted and the sender notified.  The views expressed in this
message are personal and not necessarily those of Walsall MBC unless
explicitly stated.  E-mails sent or received from Walsall MBC may be
intercepted and read by the Council.  Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with Council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or detect crime. You should also be aware that any
email may be the subject of a request under Data Protection, Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information legislation and therefore could
be disclosed to third parties.


E-mail Security: Communication by internet email is not secure as messages
can be intercepted and read by someone else. Therefore we strongly advise
you not to email any information, which if disclosed to unrelated third
parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you have an enquiry
of this nature please provide a postal address to allow us to communicate
with you in a more secure way. If you want us to respond by email you
must realise that there can be no guarantee of privacy.



Visible links
1. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
2. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lightfoot


Request for information: RFI-1075-20


As we have not received the clarification we requested on 20/2/20 and
27/2/20 we will be closing this request.

If you still require the information in the future please do not
hesitate to contact us.


Yours Sincerely

Anne Perks



Assurance Team, Resources and Transformation

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council,

Civic Centre,

Darwall Street,

Walsall, WS1 1DG

Tel: 0800 0856 018

Email: [Walsall Council request email]

Service area: [1]walsall.gov.uk/ Information Governance and Assurance

Website:  [2]www.walsall.gov.uk



WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR. The information in this message
should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only
unless explicitly stated.  If you have received this message in error it
must be deleted and the sender notified.  The views expressed in this
message are personal and not necessarily those of Walsall MBC unless
explicitly stated.  E-mails sent or received from Walsall MBC may be
intercepted and read by the Council.  Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with Council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or detect crime. You should also be aware that any
email may be the subject of a request under Data Protection, Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information legislation and therefore could
be disclosed to third parties.


E-mail Security: Communication by internet email is not secure as
messages can be intercepted and read by someone else. Therefore we
strongly advise you not to email any information, which if disclosed to
unrelated third parties would be likely to cause harm or distress. If you
have an enquiry of this nature please provide a postal address to allow us
to communicate with you in a more secure way. If you want us to respond by
email you must realise that there can be no guarantee of privacy.



Visible links
1. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
2. https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlo...