Dear North London Waste Authority,
I am requesting this information in accordance with the freedom of information act 2000(c.36)
How much waste is taken to landfill?
How much of that waste is recycled?
Have these numbers increased or decreased within the past 5 years?
What is being done to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill?
Thank you for your time and patience in this matter and I look forward to reviewing the above data.
Yours faithfully,
Jake Robinson
Dear North London Waste Authority,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of North London Waste Authority's handling of my FOI request 'Waste'.
I am still waiting for a response.
Yours faithfully,
Jake Robinson
Dear Jake
We have received your request for an internal review of our handling of
your request mentioned above. Unfortunately this request was not logged on
our system with the result that because it wasn’t logged it wasn’t flagged
up as due for a response or that it was overdue. I have found the request
now however, and it is being handled under the Environmental Information
Regulations (EiR) 2004 and has been allocated the reference number
You asked for information relating to:
How much waste is taken to landfill?
How much of that waste is recycled?
Have these numbers increased or decreased within the past 5 years?
What is being done to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill?
Our Annual Monitoring Report provides all this information and is publicly
and freely available here:
The report for 2016/17 will be published within the next couple of weeks
and will also be available at the above link too. This will show that our
waste to landfill has further decreased to 8% of the total.
I am sorry for this omission in logging your request, and will take steps
to ensure that this does not occur in future. If you would still like an
internal review conducted, please do let me know and please don’t hesitate
to come back to us if you have any further queries.
^[1] Given the nature of our activities and the fact that environmental
information is interpreted quite broadly we now generally answer
information requests under the Environmental Information Regulations
rather than the Freedom of Information Act. Further detail is available
Yours sincerely
Barbara Herridge
External Relations Manager
North London Waste Authority
Unit 1B, Berol House, Ashley Road,
Tottenham, London, N17 9LN
Tel: 020 8489 5654
To find out more about us, visit our web-sites at [4]www.nlwa.gov.uk and
Dear Herridge Barbara,
I do not require the information that I have requested.
Thank you for your time and patience.
Yours sincerely,
Jake Robinson
Dear Jake
Thank you for your confirmation and once again I am so sorry for our
original error in handling your request.
Kind regards
Barbara Herridge
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From: Jake Robinson
Sent: Tuesday 16 January 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - Waste - Our Reference
To: Herridge Barbara
Dear Herridge Barbara, I do not require the information that I have
requested. Thank you for your time and patience. Yours sincerely, Jake
Robinson -----Original Message----- Dear Jake We have received your
request for an internal review of our handling of your request mentioned
above. Unfortunately this request was not logged on our system with the
result that because it wasn’t logged it wasn’t flagged up as due for a
response or that it was overdue. I have found the request now however, and
it is being handled under the Environmental Information Regulations (EiR)
2004 and has been allocated the reference number 2017-24[1]^[1]. You
asked for information relating to: How much waste is taken to landfill?
How much of that waste is recycled? Have these numbers increased or
decreased within the past 5 years? What is being done to reduce the amount
of waste that goes to landfill? Our Annual Monitoring Report provides
all this information and is publicly and freely available here:
The report for 2016/17 will be published within the next couple of weeks
and will also be available at the above link too. This will show that our
waste to landfill has further decreased to 8% of the total. I am sorry
for this omission in logging your request, and will take steps to ensure
that this does not occur in future. If you would still like an internal
review conducted, please do let me know and please don’t hesitate to come
back to us if you have any further queries. ^[1] Given the nature of our
activities and the fact that environmental information is interpreted
quite broadly we now generally answer information requests under the
Environmental Information Regulations rather than the Freedom of
Information Act. Further detail is available at:
Yours sincerely Barbara Herridge External Relations Manager North
London Waste Authority Unit 1B, Berol House, Ashley Road, Tottenham,
London, N17 9LN Tel: 020 8489 5654 [mobile number] To find out more
about us, visit our web-sites at [4]www.nlwa.gov.uk and
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