Washington South Public meeting

The request was successful.

Dear Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner,

Please provide,
1. Cost of prodution and delivery of letters inviting residents to online public meeting on 15/3/22.
2. Number of residents invited to the meeting.
3. Which ward councillors were invited by the PCC.
4. If not all ward councillors were invited, provide the criteria used to determine invitation.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Jones

Dear Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner,

By law, this FOI request should have been responded to and has not.

I seek an internal review and access to the information requested.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Jones

Enquiries, Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner

Thank you for your email.

Your request has been passed on to the FOI team, who will be in touch.

Yours sincerely


Scott Duffy
Director of Confidence, Standards and Statutory Reviews.

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner – Northumbria.
Telephone: 0191 2219800

We are a flexible working organisation.
Please only respond to this email in your own working hours.

show quoted sections

Enquiries, Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner

Dear Mr Jones,

Thank you for your email. I can confirm that your request is being progressed - apologies for the delay, this was my fault as I did not include the FOI team in on the email.

Kind regards


show quoted sections

OPCC FOI Mailbox,

1 Attachment

Provision of information held by Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner
made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the 'Act')


Thank you for your email received 14 March 2022 in which you made a
request for access to certain information which may be held by the Police
and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria.


As you may be aware the purpose of the Act is to allow a general right of
access to information held by a Public Authority (including the Police
Crime Commissioner), subject to certain limitations and exemptions.


We have now had the opportunity to fully consider your request and I
provide a response for your attention.


Following receipt of your request, searches were conducted within
department(s) of the Police and Crime Commissioner. I can confirm that the
information you have requested is held, in part, by Police and Crime


I am able to disclose the located information to you as follows.


You asked:


Re: Washington South Public meeting, please provide:


1.     Cost of production and delivery of letters inviting residents to
online public meeting on 15/3/22.


Cost of delivery - £936.00

Cost of production – no information held – these have yet to be received.


2.     Number of residents invited to the meeting.      


      6500 invitations were sent out.


3.     Which ward councillors were invited by the PCC.


The only Councillor invited was Cllr Graeme Miller in his role as Leader
of the Council (see below for further information).


4.     If not all ward councillors were invited, provide the criteria used
to determine invitation.


The event was with Leader of the Council, an engagement opportunity
offered to every council leader this year.


You may be interested to know that Northumbria Police and Crime
Commissioner routinely publish information via the Disclosure Log.  The
aim of the Disclosure Log is to promote openness and transparency by
voluntarily placing information into the public arena.


The Disclosure Log contains copies of some of the information that has
been disclosed by Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner in response to
requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Whilst it is not possible to publish all responses we will endeavour to
publish those where we feel that the information disclosed is in the
public interest.


The Disclosure Log is updated quarterly.  I have provided the relevant
link below.




The information we have supplied to you is likely to contain intellectual
property rights of Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner.  Your use of
the information must be strictly in accordance with the Copyright Designs
and Patents Act 1988 (as amended) or such other applicable legislation. 
In particular, you must not re-use this information for any commercial


How to complain


If you are unhappy with our decision or do not consider that we have
handled your request properly and we are unable to resolve this issue
informally, you are entitled to make a formal complaint to us under our
complaints procedure which is attached.


If you are still unhappy after we have investigated your complaint and
reported to you the outcome, you may complain directly to the Information
Commissioner’s Office and request that they investigate to ascertain
whether we have dealt with your request in accordance with the Act.


Yours sincerely



Gary Richardson

Data Protection and Disclosure Advisor

For and on behalf of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner –

[1]www.northumbria.police.uk | [2]www.northumbria-pcc.gov.uk

'Our vision is to deliver an outstanding police service; working with
communities to prevent crime and disorder and protect the most vulnerable
people from harm.'


Visible links
1. file:///tmp/www.northumbria.police.uk
2. file:///tmp/www.northumbria-pcc.gov.uk