Dear Mrs Russell
Please find attached correspondence relating to your Freedom of
Information request.
Wendy Hill
Business Director and D...
Mrs Russell
Re FOI Request
Apologies for the delay, but I have needed to wait for the information
over the summer closure period.
Dear Emer Mander O’Beirne
RE FOI – Dovers Green-Children Admitted to Year 1 without completing
Please see the response to th...
Dear Emer Mander - O'Beirne
Your request for information is very similar to a previous request you have made during July this year. I attach our respo...
To: Emer Mander-O'Beirne <[FOI #495444 email]>
Please find an attached letter outlining the response to your Freedom of Information request.
Wendy Hi...
Dear Mr Andrews. Please find attached the answers to your questions. For
reference Dovers Green is an Infants School.
1. The topic of prev...
Dear Emer Mander- O’Beirne
Further to my earlier e mail, please find attached response to your recent
Yours faithfully
Good afternoon Yohannes
Thank you for your email of the 15th November and subsequent request under the Freedom of Information Act. Please see attached...
Dear J Carter
Thank you for your request for information about ‘elective home
education’. Your request was receive...
Thank-you for your request. Please find attached the information you requested.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have t...
Thank-you for your request. Please find attached the information you requested.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have t...
Good morning,
Please find attached the answers to your request.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask...
Good afternoon,
Please see attached response
Kind regards
Tracey Gilkes
FOI / DP Admin
Northamptonshire County Council
Thank you for your request for information received on 17 September 2020.
You requested:
“Under the freedom of information act can you pleas...
Dear Mr Davies,
Thank you for your email dated 24 June 2014 about Edubase.
You requested: “Under the freedom of information act can you please send me...
Dear Emma
I refer to your request for information
I have attached the information that is held by Luton Borough Council in relation to your request,...
Thank you for your recent enquiry. Please see the attached tables.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to as...
Please find attached a reviewed set of data in response to FOI reference
This data has been reviewed as it was brought to the cou...
Dear Mr/Ms Smyth,
Thank you for your email dated 22 April 2014 about Edubase.
You requested: “Under the Freedom of Information Act please provide me wi...
1 March 2013
Our Ref: CQC IAT 2013 0135
Dear Mr Law
We are writing in response to your email dated 08 February 2013 in which
you mad...
Dear Mr Watt
Our Ref: Information Request CQC IAT 2011 483
I am writing in response to your request for information dated 22 August
Thank you for your information request. Please find attached the data that you have requested.
The information disclosed forms part of a dataset, as d...
Dear Andrew
Thank you for your request for information received on 16 June 2017. You
“Please can you provide the following inf...
Dear Mr Lander,
Thank you for your email enquiry of the 2^nd of January 2024.
Your request has been handled in accordance with the Freedom...
Dear Jess
Thank you for your request for information received on 31 March 2016. You requested:
“Please could I have in an excel sheet, a list of a...